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sub/idx 2 srt

Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:09 am

Does anyone know some website for online converting sub/idx 2 srt like
It's a long time to wait if you're not a premium member.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:43 pm

Does anyone know some website for online converting sub/idx 2 srt like
It's a long time to wait if you're not a premium member.
You can convert sub/idx to srt with subtitleworkshop.
And you don't need to wait.

If you don't know how to do with Sw, I can tell you how to do it.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:40 pm

Subtitle Edit is free and open-source. Multiple uses and can OCR singly or batch convert the idx/sub to .srt.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:20 am

Can somebady convert this sub/idx 2 srt ...
for documentary
Rameses Wrath Of God Or Man (2004)
and post link for srt?
Subtitle ... -or-man-hr
doesn't match! Like 2 differents movies.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:51 pm

Since no one's done it for you, I sense a DIY is in order. Use SubtitleEdit.
Download from here:
Their main page here:

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:44 pm

SE 3.5.9 wasn't work, now I see SE3.5.16, and works again, but very slowly and with errors. In meanwhile, I googled better way.
It's necessary 2 little programs, DVDSubEdit1.52 (or newer, if exist), and SubToSup.
1) Load idx in SubToSup, when he finish job, he will produce sup file
2) Load sup from 1) in DVDSubEdit1.52, run OCR, and this is it.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:42 am

Here you are: ... -or-man-en

It took less than 4 minutes OCR with a well trained DVDSubExtractor and 10 minutes for error corrections with the Subtitle Editor.

The only thing I don't like are the multiple question marks at some places, which are apparently already included in the idx/sub.
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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:20 am

Is this
and, please explain us how to work with him.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:31 pm

Yes, it is.

For the reasons I use it see here:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14622&p=33062&hilit ... tor#p33062

The usage is actually self-explanatory for every step in the right section of the program.
In a nutshell:
1. File/Open SubtitleFile --> Browse --> choose the DVD-idx/sub that you demuxed to the hard drive (or a demuxed BD-sup - that works as well)

2. klick on the green arrow Next Step and start the OCR. For every marked sign klick on the right character in the lower section. Pay attention to the selection regarding upper and lower case. For italics put a check mark in the box Italic or use the spacebar.
If the characters in the upper section are displayed too illegible, try Different Palette.
If you have saved a wrong character, you can undo the command with the Undo-button. With Undo you can even go back to the first recognized character.
If you see two or more connected characters, first try to use the Split-button or, if that doesn't work satisfactorily, color one of the characters while holding down the mouse button and then press the Split-button.

You can also display the recognized characters directly during or after completion of the read-out process under Review and Correct OCR Matches in a table so that incorrectly recognized characters can be removed; after that the prog runs another pass, stops at the previously incorrectly stored character and you can correct this now.

3. If OCR is complete klick again on the green arrow Next step, carry out the spellcheck and correct the OCR-errors with the correctly spelled word from the suggested list.

4. Hit again the Next Step arrow and save the .srt under save as...
If you want remove HI-Items then put a check mark in the box Remove SDH subs.

That's it.
If the file that stores the recognized characters, the OCRMap.bin, is well trained over a long period of time, the program runs through new OCRs faster and faster and reports fewer and fewer errors.
For tips, tricks and clues always pay attention to the text on the right side of the program.
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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:14 pm

The only thing I don't like are the multiple question marks at some places, which are apparently already included in the idx/sub.
I've had Gaupol and Subtitle Edit for years. I use Gaupol for smaller jobs since it's quicker. But Anyone know how to remove multiple exclamation marks or question marks in Subtitle Edit (SE)?

Example 1: How are you doing???
Example 2: Oi, stop it!!!

After running through SE common error fix, it should be like:

Example 1: How are you doing?
Example 2: Oi, stop it!

At the moment I have to still use Gaupol for things like that.

If anyone knows how to in SE, please advise.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:50 pm

I would think this is simple done with Edit/Replace.

In my SubtitleEditor is this one of many automatic error corrections, if I wish to use it.


But because the question marks were contained in the idx/sub, I left them in the srt.
Since I didn't know the video, I assumed that it was used to mark acoustically incomprehensible parts of transcriptions.
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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:47 pm

I would think this is simple done with Edit/Replace.
That would work, but that's if you know there are sentences in the sub with multiple ! or ?.
I tried adding it to options>settings>wordlist>OCR fix list, but that doesn't help.

The picture you showed is similar to Gaupol, but I only wish I could have that function in SE. Don't wanna have 3 programs for subtitles, I'm not a major subtitler. Ha.

Thank you for trying to help.

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Re: sub/idx 2 srt

Wed Oct 30, 2024 6:09 pm

Can somebady convert this sub/idx 2 srt ...
More than a little bit late, but I can convert that at:

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