Off-topic, but hey...[name removed by SmallBrother] - Ivory Coast
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Off-topic, but hey...[name removed by SmallBrother] - Ivory Coast
You know that there are the same subtitles that you downloaded two years ago?I tried to download:
I downloaded it two years ago, but my old computer was stolen.
I Know well that these subtitles are french.
To download from a specific site you have to disable the others before pressing the "Search" button.In Subber, I selected Opensubtitles and deselected Podnapisi; but Subber insists downloading Podnapisi and not Opensubtitles.
Just checked and it seems to be working subber still working with OS ? Tried yesterday do download a few titles. But subber can't find any on, only from the other two sites. Used my login for OS, did not work. When i search manually on the website i can find the titles. Do i need to be VIP or register for API to use subber with OS ?
Ok, weird. I will try again at home tonight. Maybe a problem with the naming, my movies are named as follow "moviename (year).mkv".Just checked and it seems to be working subber still working with OS ? Tried yesterday do download a few titles. But subber can't find any on, only from the other two sites. Used my login for OS, did not work. When i search manually on the website i can find the titles. Do i need to be VIP or register for API to use subber with OS ?
No need to login, just "Anonymous" is enough..
Some internet/server glitch perhaps?
This has nothing to do with filenames. OpenSubtitles does not use them. It uses the hash of the file.Maybe a problem with the naming, my movies are named as follow "moviename (year).mkv".
Well, at this time I'm working on porting Subber to Python 3, so that I could fix the Cloudflare's blocks.Anyway is it possible to add one more subtitle source ? I would give a donation![]()
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