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New Footer:" English subtitles" instead of an imag

Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:03 pm

Just noticed a change in the footer of the opensubtitles page.
The flags (images) are replaced by a text (e.g. English Subtitles).

First of all:
I like it. I think it's better this way than to see all the flags.

My feed back:
It is not correct to combine <word for language-name> + <word for subtitle> in many (most?) languages:

This works:
English + Subtitle = English Subtitle

Doesn't work:
Português + legendas => legendas em português
Español + subtítulos => subtítulos en español
Deutsch + Untertiteln => deutsche Untertitel

Same thing should apply to all other Romance languages (like Italian, French, Catalan, Romanian...) and probably to most Germanic languages as they may have some special grammer rules as well. Asian, Arabic languages not even mentioned...

In short, it's a small detail, I know, but since this website is so top-notch, I think my feed-back is appreciated. It would look more professional.

By the way:
Spanish/español is written with a tilde (a swung dash, ->little wave/snake), instead of an accent (´).

Hope this feed back helps, otherwise it's no big deal.

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Re: New Footer:" English subtitles" instead of an imag

Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:13 am

Thanks for feedback. Well, you can write here what is correct wording (phrases), so I can update it

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