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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:16 am

looks as a good fun! Thanks. It is possible that I will give html + css to my webdesigner and he will design the stuff ? (it will be for the new design

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:41 am

you sure can, it's GPL3, meaning you can do w/e you want with it, except saying "I did it myself alone and it's not open-source". As for my rights on the design, you can use it.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:44 am

ok, I gave this to my designer, so lets see what he can do. My idea is to match new design -

also here on forum will be design changed soon to match new design...

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:58 am

1.4.0 released

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:59 am

where is 1.4.1 ? :) I wanted to try on OSX, and it installs 1.4.0, also changelog was on github

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:18 am

I don't understand ?

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:39 am

ok, I guess my mistake.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 03, 2016 4:15 pm

1.3.1 has been published.

I've received 0 translation from OS community. Please look at this file, it's all the "strings" (sentences or words) to translate.
Here's Dutch:

Code: Select all

{ "Upload": "Uploaden", "Log in": "Inloggen", "Log out": "Uitloggen", "Username": "Gebruikersnaam", "Password": "Wachtwoord", "Video file": "Videobestand", "Subtitle file": "Ondertitelbestand", "Drop a video file or select one": "Sleep een videobestand or selecteer er één", "Drop a subtitle file or select one": "Sleep een ondertitelbestand of selecteer er één", "Metadata": "Metagegevens", "browse": "browse", "Save between sessions": "Opslaan voor volgende sessies", "Search on IMDB directly": "Zoek rechtstreeks op IMDB", "Auto-detect the language": "Detecteer de taal", "Reset": "Alles wissen", "File name": "Bestandsnaam", "OSDb Hash": "OSDb Hash", "MD5 Hash": "MD5 Hash", "Size": "Grootte", "bytes": "bytes", "High definition": "High definition", "Movie AKA": "Film ook bekend als", "Release name": "Releasenaam", "FPS": "FPS", "Total time": "Totale tijdsduur", "Number of frames": "Aantal frames", "Language": "Taal", "None": "Geen", "Comment": "Opmerkingen", "Hearing impaired": "Voor doven en slechthorenden", "Auto-translated": "Machinevertaling", "Translator": "Vertaler", "developped by": "ontwikkeld door", "Enter a title": "Voer een titel in", "Search": "Zoeken", "OK": "OK", "EDIT": "WIJZIGEN", "UPLOAD": "UPLOADEN", "RETRY": "OPNIEUW", "OPEN IN BROWSER": "IN BROWSER OPENEN", "Language testing unconclusive, automatic detection failed": "Taal niet eenduidig, automatische detectie mislukt", "Video cannot be imported because OpenSubtitles could not be reached. Is it online?": "Video kan niet geïmporteerd worden, want OpenSubtitles is niet bereikbaar. Is het online?", "Unknown OpenSubtitles related error, please retry later or report the issue": "Onbekende OpenSubtitles-gerelateerde fout, probeer het a.u.b. later nogmaals of meld het probleem", "You haven't specified an IMDB id for the video file. It is highly recommended to do so, for correctly categorize the subtitle and make it easy to download.": "Je hebt geen IMDB ID voor het videobestand opgegeven. De IMDB ID is belangrijk voor het correct plaatsen van de ondertitel en om het downloaden te vereenvoudigen.", "Wrong username or password": "Verkeerde gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord", "Not found": "Niet gevonden", "Wrong IMDB id": "Verkeerde IMDB ID", "New version available, download %s now!": "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar, download %s nu!", "Dropped file is not supported": "Gesleepte bestand wordt niet ondersteund", "Cut": "Knippen", "Copy": "Kopiëren", "Paste": "Plakken", "Subtitle was already present in the database": "Ondertitel is al aanwezig in de database", "The hash has been added!": "De hash is toegevoegd!", "The hash too...": "De hash is te...", "The file name has been added!": "De bestandsnaam is toegevoegd!", "The file name too...": "De bestandsnaam is te...", "Subtitle was successfully uploaded!": "Ondertitel is geüpload!", "OpenSubtitles is temporarily unavailable, please retry in a little while": "OpenSubtitles is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar, probeer het iets later nogmaals", "OpenSubtitles is under maintenance, please retry in a few hours": "Er zijn momenteel onderhoudswerkzaamheden op OpenSubtitles, probeer het over enkele uren nogmaals", "Something went wrong :(": "Er is iets misgegaan :(", "IMDB id": "IMDB ID", "Switch theme": "Wijzig thema", "The subtitle has invalid format, review it before uploading to OpenSubtitles (try removing URL that might be considered as advertising for a third party website)": "De ondertitel heeft een ongeldige opmaak, controleer deze voor het uploaden naar OpenSubtitles (verwijder elke URL dat gezien zou kunnen worden als adverteren voor een andere website)", "": "" }
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 03, 2016 4:57 pm

AWESOME! thanks

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 04, 2016 3:03 pm

It inspired me to translate it to Slovak:

Code: Select all

{ "currentLang": "Slovenský", "Upload": "Nahrať", "Log in": "Prihlás", "Log out": "Odhlás", "Username": "Uživateľ", "Password": "Heslo", "Video file": "Video súbor", "Subtitle file": "Titulkový súbor", "Drop a video file or select one": "Polož video súbor alebo vyber", "Drop a subtitle file or select one": "Polož titulkový súbor alebo vyber", "Metadata": "Metadata", "browse": "prechádzať", "Save between sessions": "Uložit medzi reláciami", "Search on IMDB directly": "Hľadať priamo na IMDB", "Auto-detect the language": "Autodetekovať jazyk", "Reset": "Vynulovať", "File name": "Meno súboru", "OSDb Hash": "OSDB Hash", "MD5 Hash": "MD5 Hash", "Size": "Veľkosť", "bytes": "bajtov", "High definition": "Vysoké rozlíšenie", "Movie AKA": "Preložený názov filmu", "Release name": "Meno releasu", "FPS": "FPS", "Total time": "Celkový čas", "Number of frames": "Počet snímkov", "Language": "Jazyk", "None": "Žiaden", "Comment": "Komentár", "Hearing impaired": "Sluchovo postihnutý", "Auto-translated": "Automaticky preložené", "Translator": "Prekladateľ", "developped by": "vytvorený", "Enter a title": "Zadaj názov", "Search": "Hľadaj", "OK": "OK", "EDIT": "Upraviť", "UPLOAD": "Nahrať", "RETRY": "Skúsiť znova", "OPEN IN BROWSER": "Otvoriť v prehliadači", "Language testing unconclusive, automatic detection failed": "Jazyk nie je možné automaticky detekovať", "Video cannot be imported because OpenSubtitles could not be reached. Is it online?": "Video nemôže byť nahrané pretože OpenSubtitles nie je možné kontaktovať. Je online?", "Unknown OpenSubtitles related error, please retry later or report the issue": "Neznáma chyba OpenSubtitles, skús neskôr alebo nahlás chybu", "You haven't specified an IMDB id for the video file. It is highly recommended to do so, for correctly categorize the subtitle and make it easy to download.": "Nezadal si IMDB ID pre video súbor. Odporúčame ho zadať pre správne zaradenie titulkov a uľahčenie sťahovania.", "Wrong username or password": "Nesprávne meno alebo heslo", "Not found": "Nenašiel", "Wrong IMDB id": "Zlé IMDB ID", "New version available, download %s now!": "Je prístupna nová verzia, sťahuj %s ", "Dropped file is not supported": "Súbor nie je podporovaný", "Cut": "Vystrihnúť", "Copy": "Kopírovať", "Paste": "Vložiť", "Subtitle was already present in the database": "Titulky boli už predým nahrané", "The hash has been added!": "Hash bol pridaný", "The hash too...": "Hash tiež", "The file name has been added!": "Meno súboru bolo pridané", "The file name too...": "Meno súboru tiež", "Subtitle was successfully uploaded!": "Titulky boli úspešne nahrané", "OpenSubtitles is temporarily unavailable, please retry in a little while": "OpenSubtitles je momentálne nedosupné, skús neskôr", "OpenSubtitles is under maintenance, please retry in a few hours": "OpenSubtitles je pod technickou údržbou, skús neskôr", "Something went wrong :(": "Niečo sa pokazilo", "IMDB id": "IMDB ID", "Switch theme": "Zmeniť tému", "The subtitle has invalid format, review it before uploading to OpenSubtitles (try removing URL that might be considered as advertising for a third party website)": "Titulky nemajú správny formát, skontroluj ich (skús odstrániť URL, ktoré môže byť považované za reklamu)" }

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 04, 2016 6:26 pm

It inspired me to translate it to Slovak:
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 04, 2016 7:03 pm

he deserves btc donations. thanks btw^^

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 04, 2016 7:25 pm

Here's Portuguese (PT/PT) :

Code: Select all

{ "currentLang": "Português/PT", "Upload": "Enviar", "Log in": "Ligar-se", "Log out": "Desligar-se", "Username": "Nome de utilizador", "Password": "Palavra-passe", "Video file": "Ficheiro de video", "Subtitle file": "Ficheiro da legenda", "Drop a video file or select one": "Largue um ficheiro de video ou selecione um", "Drop a subtitle file or select one": "Largue um ficheiro de legenda ou selecione um", "Metadata": "Metadado", "browse": "Pesquisar", "Save between sessions": "Salvar entre secções", "Search on IMDB directly": "Pesquisar directamente no imdb", "Auto-detect the language": "Auto-detectar idioma", "Reset": "Reiniciar", "File name": "Nome do ficheiro", "OSDb Hash": "OSDb Hash", "MD5 Hash": "MD5 Hash", "Size": "Tamanho", "bytes": "bytes", "High definition": "Alta-definição", "Movie AKA": "Movie AKA", "Release name": "Nome da Release", "FPS": "FPS", "Total time": "Tempo total", "Number of frames": "Número de frames", "Language": "Idioma", "None": "Nenhuma", "Comment": "Comentário", "Hearing impaired": "Deficientes auditivos", "Auto-translated": "Traduzido automaticamente", "Translator": "Tradutor", "developped by": "desenvolvido por", "Enter a title": "Introduzir o título", "Search": "Pesquisar", "OK": "OK", "EDIT": "EDITAR", "UPLOAD": "Enviar", "RETRY": "Tentar novamente", "OPEN IN BROWSER": "ABRIR NO BROWSER", "Language testing unconclusive, automatic detection failed": "Teste de idioma inconclusivo, detecção automática falhada", "Video cannot be imported because OpenSubtitles could not be reached. Is it online?": "Video não importado porque não foi possível conectar ao Opensubtitles. Está online?", "Unknown OpenSubtitles related error, please retry later or report the issue": "Erro desconhecido relacionado com o OpneSubtitles, por favor tente mais tarde ou reporte o problema", "You haven't specified an IMDB id for the video file. It is highly recommended to do so, for correctly categorize the subtitle and make it easy to download.": "Não especificou o número do imdb para o ficheiro de video. É altamente recomendado fazê-lo, para que a legenda seja encontrada facilmente.", "Wrong username or password": "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-passe errada", "Not found": "Não encontrado", "Wrong IMDB id": "Número de imdb errado", "New version available, download %s now!": "Nova versão disponível, descarregar %s agora!", "Dropped file is not supported": "Não é suportado largar o ficheiro", "Cut": "Cortar", "Copy": "Copiar", "Paste": "Colar", "Subtitle was already present in the database": "Legenda já existe na base de dados", "The hash has been added!": "O hash foi adicionado!", "The hash too...": "O hash também...", "The file name has been added!": "O nome do ficheiro foi adicionado!", "The file name too...": "O nome de ficheiro também...", "Subtitle was successfully uploaded!": "Legenda enviada!", "OpenSubtitles is temporarily unavailable, please retry in a little while": "OpenSubtitles está temporariamente indisponível, por favor tente mais tarde", "OpenSubtitles is under maintenance, please retry in a few hours": "OpenSubtitles está em manutenção, por favor tente mais tarde", "Something went wrong :(": "Algo correu mal :(", "IMDB id": "Número de imdb", "Switch theme": "Mudar tema", "The subtitle has invalid format, review it before uploading to OpenSubtitles (try removing URL that might be considered as advertising for a third party website)": "A legenda está num formato inválido, verifica-a antes de enviar para o OpenSubtitles (Tenta remover o url que pode ser considerado publicidade)", "": "" }

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 04, 2016 9:55 pm

Btw, I am not sure if I understand these:

"The hash too..."
"The file name too..."

Hash too short, too ugly, too meaningless...
File name too long, too short...

If so, than you might be missing translations for "long", "short", "ugly", "meaningless".....
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 04, 2016 10:38 pm

You should use the app and try to upload a subtitle that already exists on the DB. you'll see.


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