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Format conversion of Subtitles (Mac)

Thu May 16, 2013 9:31 am

Hi All,

I am in serious need of some help here. I have received some subtitle files from a client in a .rtf-format. The problem is that i need to include these subtitles in Handbrake in order to rip a series and burn in the subtitles, and Handbrake only accepts a .srt-format.

Is there any application for a MacBook that converts the subtitle file from .rtf to .srt out there that you are aware of or have been using?

Any help och tips are highly welcome, i am in a real jam atm!

All the best,

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Re: Format conversion of Subtitles (Mac)

Fri May 17, 2013 8:59 am

A Rich Text Format file can be anything.
Have you tried opening it with Subtitle Editor or Subtitle Workshop?
Otherwise if there is no copyright issue, you could upload it so we can have a look.

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