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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:47 am

A simple idea

Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:18 am

I´ve found that is very fun to learn this lenguage (english), if you´re watching a movie in english with subs in the same lenguage, I´m neither england nor american, but latin American guy.
Now, if anybody can set up a single subtitle with double line, first in the original movie language and second in another language, the people who speack the second line language, will learn the first one because the brain will register the full screen then it catchs
the pornuntiation, the write out and the meaning at the same time. it´s just an idea, i have not knowlege enought to make a test, but if it works then it will make us nearest eachone. sorry for my english.
Antonny Hurtado. [email protected]
P.S. If anybody does it, can take all that credits.

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