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Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:45 pm

deleted subtitle woes

Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:14 pm

I have the unfortunate problem that my uploaded subtitles (via SubDownloader) get deleted and I'm not sure what am I doing wrong.

The movie I'm uploading for is Knight Rider (2008) in hungarian language (there's a subtitle currently on, but it wasn't done by the program because when I search for it with SubDownloader it doesn't list it, only the english and portugese versions). I tried twice, and after a few hours it disappeared from the site. I checked the file and it should be okay, timestamps and all.

The method I use with the program: select upload, browse for the movie file, it automatically attaches the subtitle srt I made, push the button in the third step and it fills in the IMDB code and subtitle language. Then I hit upload which goes through without a hitch.

I'm mostly curious why it's happening, so I can do it correctly in the future :)

Thanks in advance~

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