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Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:48 am

wantto contribute, but I think I am messing with the databas

Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:57 am

I have lots of subtitles of cartoons and series, but when I was trying to upload the subtitles of the second season of "Avatar, the last airbender", I noticed that in the my subtitle showed as refering to the film "eternity" (I was using the movie tab

I fear that posting my subtitles this way will be no good to the community since no one will be able to find it

when the "series" tab of subdowloader will be available? How can I upload my series without it?


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Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:39 pm

hello and welcome. It looks like you are using SubDownloader to upload subtitles, IMDB search there is broken. You can still upload subtitles using it, but you have to write imdb number there, for your case it is:, so press search and write "0417299". After that, it will works like it should. You can always edit subtitles, even if they are uploaded, just look on subtitle details page.

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