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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Fri May 13, 2016 5:52 pm

I think I'm getting close. Default:


in dark:

I've also made an icon:

And I'm testing how to implement visual IMDB match:
Last edited by vankasteelj on Fri May 13, 2016 10:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Fri May 13, 2016 10:46 pm

I'm not sure I understand what "foreign parts only" means, can someone explain?

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sat May 14, 2016 8:41 am

I'm not sure I understand what "foreign parts only" means, can someone explain?
For example: Winter in Wartime (Oorlogswinter) is a Dutch movie. Most of the spoken text is in Dutch, but some spoken text is in English and German. If a Dutch subtitle is covering ONLY that English and German text and NOT the Dutch text, the subtitle is "foreign parts only".
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sat May 14, 2016 12:54 pm

oh wow, ok. I see the point of the flag, but there must be so few subs using it :D

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sat May 14, 2016 10:53 pm

Code: Select all

"The subtitle file contains descriptions of sounds and/or dialogues, meant for hearing impaired people": "The subtitle file contains descriptions of sounds and/or dialogues, meant for hearing impaired people", "The subtitles were translated automatically by a machine": "The subtitles were translated automatically by a machine", "Foreign parts only": "Foreign parts only", // 16 characters max "The subtitles only translate non-native parts of the script, for example elvish and orkish in the Lord of the Rings": "The subtitles only translate non-native parts of the script, for example elvish and orkish in the Lord of the Rings",
@oss @MaAd @SmallBrother @Funchalense If you could translate the above, I'd be grateful
Last edited by vankasteelj on Sun May 15, 2016 1:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun May 15, 2016 7:51 am

"The subtitle file contains sounds description", - I would change this to "Subtitles for Hearing Impaired", it is pretty standard naming. If you want to describe, then "Hearing Impaired subtitles (contains sounds description)"

EDIT: ah ignore it, I see this is description text only.

Also for design: great work there, seems nice! For logo - I know it is info extra, but arrow up would be nice there, and be it standard (Square) size, I guess it is app icon. Get inspired from

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun May 15, 2016 8:18 am

I think vankasteelj's intention is to describe what the Hearing Impaired flag means. Besides, HI subs (also) contain dialogue descriptions, like "(Paul:) How are you?" "(Peter:) I am fine." So I think that line should be:
"The subtitle file contains descriptions of sounds and/or dialogues, meant for hearing impaired people."

If that's okay, then this is my translation of the four lines:

Code: Select all

"The subtitle file contains descriptions of sounds and/or dialogues, meant for hearing impaired people": "De ondertitels bevatten omschrijvingen van geluiden en/of dialogen, bedoeld voor doven en slechthorenden", "The subtitles were translated automatically by a machine": "De ondertitels zijn automatisch door een machine vertaald", "Foreign parts only": "Alleen anderstalige tekst", "The subtitles only translate non-native parts of the script, for example elvish and orkish in the Lord of the Rings": "In deze ondertitels zijn alleen de anderstalige teksten vertaald, bijvoorbeeld het Elfs en Orks in The Lord of the Rings",
Ah, oss edited his post while I was writing mine ;-)

[Edit 2:]
Btw, note for the translators, including myself: maybe it's a good idea to have text and translations matching the already existing translations on the upload page of the web site ( )
For example, in Dutch the translation for "Movie AKA" on the web site's upload page is "Filmpseudoniem". In the translation of OpenSubtitles-Uploader, I made it "Alternatieve titel". Minor detail, but a bit 'ugly'(?)
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon May 16, 2016 2:49 pm

Polish translation of new lines

Code: Select all

"The subtitle file contains descriptions of sounds and/or dialogues, meant for hearing impaired people": "Napisy zawierające opisy dźwięków i/lub dialogów, przeznaczone dla niedosłyszących", "The subtitles were translated automatically by a machine": "Napisy zostały przetłumaczone automatycznie przez maszynę", "Foreign parts only": "Tylko tekst w języku obcym", "The subtitles only translate non-native parts of the script, for example elvish and orkish in the Lord of the Rings": "Napisy zawierające tylko tłumaczenia części w językach obcych, np. język elficki lub orków w the Lord of the Rings",
and correction

Code: Select all

"Movie AKA": "Tytuł alternatywny",
Last edited by MaAd on Mon May 16, 2016 3:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon May 16, 2016 3:23 pm

Portuguese (PT/PT)

Code: Select all

"The subtitle file contains descriptions of sounds and/or dialogues, meant for hearing impaired people": "O ficheiro da legenda contém descrições de sons e/ou diálogos , destinado a pessoas com deficiência auditiva", "The subtitles were translated automatically by a machine": "Legenda feita por um tradutor automático", "Foreign parts only": "Apenas partes estrangeiras", // Máximo de 16 caracteres "The subtitles only translate non-native parts of the script, for example elvish and orkish in the Lord of the Rings": "Legenda traduzida apenas para as partes estrangeiras, por exemplo elfos e orcs no Senhor Dos Anéis",

Updated translation, I had not translated "Movie AKA".
And one or another word that was wrong. Sorry :oops:

Code: Select all

{ "currentLang": "Português/PT", "Upload": "Enviar", "Log in": "Ligar-se", "Log out": "Desligar-se", "Username": "Nome de utilizador", "Password": "Palavra-passe", "Video file": "Ficheiro de video", "Subtitle file": "Ficheiro da legenda", "Drop a video file or select one": "Largue um ficheiro de video ou selecione um", "Drop a subtitle file or select one": "Largue um ficheiro de legenda ou selecione um", "Metadata": "Metadado", "browse": "Pesquisar", "Save between sessions": "Salvar entre secções", "Search on IMDB directly": "Pesquisar directamente no imdb", "Auto-detect the language": "Auto-detectar idioma", "Reset": "Reiniciar", "File name": "Nome do ficheiro", "OSDb Hash": "OSDb Hash", "MD5 Hash": "MD5 Hash", "Size": "Tamanho", "bytes": "bytes", "High definition": "Alta-definição", "Movie AKA": "Título Adicional", "Release name": "Nome da Release", "FPS": "FPS", "Total time": "Tempo total", "Number of frames": "Número de frames", "Language": "Idioma", "None": "Nenhuma", "Comment": "Comentário", "Hearing impaired": "Deficientes auditivos", "Auto-translated": "Traduzido automaticamente", "Translator": "Tradutor", "developped by": "desenvolvido por", "Enter a title": "Introduzir o título", "Search": "Pesquisar", "OK": "OK", "EDIT": "EDITAR", "UPLOAD": "Enviar", "RETRY": "Tentar novamente", "OPEN IN BROWSER": "ABRIR NO BROWSER", "Language testing unconclusive, automatic detection failed": "Teste de idioma inconclusivo, detecção automática falhada", "Video cannot be imported because OpenSubtitles could not be reached. Is it online?": "Video não importado porque não foi possível conectar ao Opensubtitles. Está online?", "Unknown OpenSubtitles related error, please retry later or report the issue": "Erro desconhecido relacionado com o OpenSubtitles, por favor tente mais tarde ou reporte o problema", "You haven't specified an IMDB id for the video file. It is highly recommended to do so, for correctly categorize the subtitle and make it easy to download.": "Não especificou o número do imdb para o ficheiro de video. É altamente recomendado fazê-lo, para que a legenda seja encontrada facilmente.", "Wrong username or password": "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-passe errada", "Not found": "Não encontrado", "Wrong IMDB id": "Número de imdb errado", "New version available, download %s now!": "Nova versão disponível, descarregar %s agora!", "Dropped file is not supported": "Não é suportado largar o ficheiro", "Cut": "Cortar", "Copy": "Copiar", "Paste": "Colar", "Subtitle was already present in the database": "Legenda já existe na base de dados", "The hash has been added!": "O hash foi adicionado!", "The hash too...": "O hash também...", "The file name has been added!": "O nome do ficheiro foi adicionado!", "The file name too...": "O nome do ficheiro também...", "Subtitle was successfully uploaded!": "Legenda enviada!", "OpenSubtitles is temporarily unavailable, please retry in a little while": "OpenSubtitles está temporariamente indisponível, por favor tente mais tarde", "OpenSubtitles is under maintenance, please retry in a few hours": "OpenSubtitles está em manutenção, por favor tente mais tarde", "Something went wrong :(": "Algo correu mal :(", "IMDB id": "Número de imdb", "Switch theme": "Mudar tema", "The subtitle has invalid format, review it before uploading to OpenSubtitles (try removing URL that might be considered as advertising for a third party website)": "A legenda está num formato inválido, verifica-a antes de enviar para o OpenSubtitles (Tente remover o url que pode ser considerado publicidade)", "": "" }

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon May 16, 2016 4:47 pm

"// maximum 16 characters" means the translation is 16 characters max (17 might fit, depending on which characters are used, m takes more space than e, for example). I can't have either polish or portuguese with these strings, they're too long.

Here's what I did:

- Tylko języku obcym

- Apenas estrangeiro
- Deficientes auditiv.
- Traduzido auto.

I don't speak any of these, so if it's wrong, say it :p

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon May 16, 2016 5:45 pm

Ok, Polish correction

Code: Select all

"Foreign parts only": "Tylko język obcy", "The subtitles only translate non-native parts of the script, for example elvish and orkish in the Lord of the Rings": "Napisy zawierające tylko tłumaczenia części w językach obcych, np. język elficki lub orków we Władcy Pierścieni",

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon May 16, 2016 6:04 pm

"// maximum 16 characters"
Does the Dutch version fit? "Alleen anderstalige tekst" is quite a bit longer than 16 chars...
The English text too, btw.

I'm sure you already had similar thoughts, but I am thinking: English is a pretty 'short' language, many other languages are longer. So instead of forcing translated text to be shorter and possibly making those translations a bit 'awkward' along that way, why not create some more space in the layout? For cosmetical reasons it might not be that easy, but maybe there is a way and it might be worth the fight.

Three parts of the movie related data on the right side are relatively short numbers (FPS, total time, number of frames), data for AKA will be 'medium long' and only release name will be long. A pity that only the release name is forcing the other entries to take up so much space. Maybe repositioning will provide some useful space. Or maybe three columns.

Similar for the subtitle data: only the field for "Translator" is long, the others are checkboxes. Maybe just make the Translator field a bit shorter, or move it to the left column and/or move the comment textarea.
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon May 16, 2016 7:34 pm

The thing is it has to look good in English, and work with other langs. I already upped for about 10px the available space, but I can't do much more without having to rewrite the ui entirely to be flexible. There's a reason for not being able to change the app's width/height, it's fully static css.

It's meant to be a simple straightforward app and isn't gonna be much more than that. Code is there, open source, if someone or me at some point want to take it to higher level, let's say add the capability of downloading too, maybe include a player, and be able to use for multiple files, then it might become interresting to rewrite, and only keep the core code of what I wrote (most is in npm modules already anyway^^).

On a technical POV, it's just a wrapper with a html page that launches my 3 modules:
- opensubtitles-api (interact with the xml api of os)
- mediainfo-wrapper (grabs information from video files)
- detect-lang (detects language of a file, based on the strings in it)

PS: layout has been updated already, I didn't know where to put that "foreign parts only" checkbox, i had to improvise:


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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 17, 2016 5:39 am

Slovak translation:

Code: Select all

"The subtitle file contains descriptions of sounds and/or dialogues, meant for hearing impaired people": "Titulky obsahujú popisy zvukov a/alebo dialógov určene pre sluchovo postihnutých", "The subtitles were translated automatically by a machine": "Titulky boli automaticky preložené programom", "Foreign parts only": "Iba cudzie časti", // 16 characters max "The subtitles only translate non-native parts of the script, for example elvish and orkish in the Lord of the Rings": "Titulky obsahujú iba preklad cudzích častí dialógov, napríklad jazyk Elfov a Orkov v Pánoch prsteňov.",

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 18, 2016 3:08 am

You can now translate online: ... ader-nwjs/

transifex really simplifies the translation process, by giving an online editor (for you) and a set of useful ressources and features (for me).

To join, simply create a free account (you can translate thousand of open source projects on transifex), and ask to join the "vankasteelj/OpenSubtiltes-Uploader" project in your language. You'll then be able to visit whenever you want and translate

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