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Open Subtitles Gadget beta Just Released!

Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:43 am

After being frustrated trying to find proper subtitles to my films I decided to code my very own desktop gadget. A few of the programs I found out there want you to pay to use. While they do offer a lot of functionality, I am not that keen on shelling out top dollar for something I use once in a great moon! So I got busy and programmed a very modest and easy to use gadget for just that purpose. My gadget extracts the 64bit hash of any film file then locates using the OpenSubtitles API the proper subtitles for that film. Some of the handy features include:

[*] Simple drag & drop design
[*] Semi-transparency (so it won't bother you.)
[*] Keep on top/bottom options
[*] Lookup by movie name (IMDB support as well.)

This little application has already helped me out a lot in the downloading of proper subtitles for my films. I hope that someone out there can find use for it as well. I enjoyed creating it, and I hope that the community enjoys using it as well! Below is a picture of the gadget.

You can download directly from here:
Source Code Download: ...

:: See Installation Notes ::

Video Demonstration (1080p available)

*Installation Notes:

This program has not been tested on the MS-Win(XP) platform and therefore additional downloads & libraries may need to be installed prior to core application. To install the gadget please follow these steps carefully, if you have any questions regarding installation or operation (as well as suggestions) please feel free to post via this board. You may also email direct at: [email protected]

Install Instrutions:
[*]Download the Application (using the given link above.)
[*]Extract the contents of the RAR file (if you do not have an application for RAR, please visit:
[*]Open the Extracted Folder
[*]Run Setup.exe

Additional libraries maybe downloaded via the automated installation kit included with the application at the time of initial installation. However, in some cases these installations fail. Known libraries needed are Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 (which maybe obtained via: ... laylang=en. Other tools maybe needed as well, this program was tested on Windows 7 64bit build (but was compiled to run on 32bit systems as well.) I hope that you enjoy this little application as much as I enjoyed the creation of it. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you, and enjoy! 8)

:: UPDATE ::

Yeah, I konw about thirty minutes after compiling and then publishing my widget I noticed a very small flaw with the program. I couldn't stand that so I just had to go in and redo the application. So I fixed the flaws, and added a lot more detailed comment to the source as well. Here are a few things that I added/fixed with the application.

[*] Now you can drag & drop no more than (5) files at a time (as I dropped 1,300 on to it, and you don't even wanna know what happened to my PC LOL :D ) You can drop 10,000 + onto the widget but the widget will only render results for the first five.
[*] Made the widget go into a hibernation state whenever a connection with cannot be established (no sense opening those web browsers up if you can't get out anyways, right?)
[*] The program will not accept drag and drops if cannot be reached (either due to downtime, or no Internet connection.)
[*] Added a monkey-load of helpful comments to the application that will allow my fellow programmers to take this bull by the horns, and run with it!

Future Updates:
Right now there are now official future updates planned. However, that does not mean that they will not come if/when/as needed. I may include a feature that will recursively scan a given movie folder and then allow you to download all of the subs you desire at once. However, that project may branch off into it's own seperate program - am not sure how that is going to work out yet. Other than that if you are a programmer and see a bug with the widget that perhaps I missed then download the source: ... and give it a go! If you are not a programmer and would like to suggest a change/modification please feel free to reply to this post and I will do what I can to assist/help you out - just as quickly as I can! Thank you all!

DOWNLOAD LINKS: Updated: 8/14/210 @ 11:04 MST (USA)

Spanish: ... get-ES.exe
Chinese: ... get-zh.exe

Please Note: That we are continuously adding additional languages and features to the application. If your language is not currently present then please feel free to post a comment on this board asking for you language. You may also contact me directly through PM. We will do our best to have your language ready within a few hours of your initial request.

Upcoming Languages: (By 8/21/2010)


If your language is not listed in the upcoming releases, then please do not worry - just attach a post to this board and we will be happy to create a language version just for you! The great thing about open source is the willingness to recognize that not everybody speaks English as their primary language (though I do), and the ability to not be limited in your creations - by providing the best service possible to those whom are different! Thank you everybody!
Last edited by firefoxtamer on Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Open Subtitles Gadget beta

Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:54 pm


Does it search for filenames containing episode info, like s04e05,4x05,0405,405,s04.e05 when hash is missing?
Coz that would be something.
That is actually something that I am looking into right now as a matter of fact! :D I am also decided to add THETVDB API to the project as well, that way we can view episode specific information from the widget. Hey, thank you for your input! :D

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Re: Open Subtitles Gadget beta

Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:46 am

Download Links Updated, See Initial Post
Updates Included As Suggested:

This is a new release of OpenSubtitles Gadget.

I have spent the better part of a couple of hours to bake up a little bit better gadget. I added a few new API calls to the program, as well as cleaned up the source coding quite a lot! The widget has a little bit better of design now, and I think it is becoming steadily easier to use. Some of the new key features (as far as the GUI is concerned) are:

[*]New Quick Close Button Added
[*]Program now remembers previous widget location
[*]Transparency has been removed (by several request.)
[*]Quick Location Changing via the right-click menu.[/b]

Here is a screenshot of the new GUI:


New & Improved Context Menu

Now, as far as the functionality of the program is concerned I added several new features that I am very pleased with. If a hash code is unable to be generated, then the program will search by file name (minus the video extension.) This will allow you to get better results. I intend on making a few new routines when I have time that will allow you to search by filename (whenever the hash returns null from Here is a quick rundown of the changes made to the internal structure of the program.

[*]Added IMDB API (built in internally) that allows you to view actors, posters & movie information.
[*]Added about twenty new error trapping commands.
[*]Added improved hashing algorithm
[*]Added a broader search field to the IMDB API[/b]

Here are a few screenshots of some of the new features that have been implemented in the new & improved widget.

New IMDB Browser

Demonstrating Multiple Matches

Quickly View Actors (and character names)

View Movie Information Directly on IMDB

Along with these new features I also added an active actor recognition that will allow you to double-click on any actor 9(in actor-view) to view their profile at IMDB, as well as view movie information for the selected film or media. Some of the results that are yeilded to you when searching for films are:

[*]Proper Title
[*]Release Year

These informations will only be provided if they can be located from within the IMDB, and will not appear if no crucial data is given to the film. Basically this was a pretty large overhaul to the application. The total install size of the widget is (728Kb), so with that small size it really does pack a lot of functionality into the application. As always if you have any suggestions, comments or would like to see extra features added (or removed) please feel free to reply to this post and I will do my best to implement whatever it is that you desire. Thank you.

Legal Disclaimer: I know that there is a lot of controversy regarding scraping, and obtaining information from outside sources; therefore, I have implemented these procedures as proof-of-concept and they should be used accordingly. Under no circumstances should this application be used in exchange for currency nor in part of any commercial institution. This application should only be used by individuals and distributed as freeware. For information regarding the usage of this application please consult the local laws in the country in which you reside for prohibitations as well as any restrictions of usage that may apply. Thank you, I hope that you enjoy this program.

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Re: Open Subtitles Gadget beta Just Released!

Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:56 pm

really nice work! in which language it is programmed? I am Mac OSX user, so I cant test it, but it looks sweet. Did you register user agent for it? Also if there is some way, how I can help, just ask.

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Re: Open Subtitles Gadget beta Just Released!

Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:54 pm

really nice work! in which language it is programmed? I am Mac OSX user, so I cant test it, but it looks sweet. Did you register user agent for it? Also if there is some way, how I can help, just ask.

Hey, thank you for your feedback & you are welcome! Yes I plan on releasing in languages (as requested.) I just released by Spanish version (because of your suggestion!) Here are some screenshots of Subtitle Gadget in Spanish!

IMDB Interface in Spanish

Spanish Context Menus

As you will notice everything from Genre to the movie Synopsis has been translated into spanish. I added the Google API to the program that allowed for the quick translation of the movie information. You have given me very good ideals sir! I will call on you if I need help, right now I am still in the process of learning the API, that way when they drop the file they will be presented with a list of subtitles (rather than be taken to the page via the hash reading. However, no word as of yet when I will be able to learn the entire API and implement it. I am not comfortable releasing programs that are "half-baked", so time is needed so I can ensure the best quality!

Descargar gadget subtítulos en español: ... get-ES.exe gadget está ahora en español! Todo, desde la interfaz de los menús de contexto se ha modificado para proporcionar a nuestros amigos que hablan español la mejor experiencia posible. Utilice el enlace de arriba para descargar el programa. Disfrute!

Thank you for your continuing support and suggestions in the creation of this useful application! :D


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Re: Open Subtitles Gadget beta Just Released!

Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:02 pm

Tradition Chinese Version is Now Available

In response to all of the emails I have gotten over this little project of mine I am happy to announce that a tradition Chinese version is now avaiable for download. Here are a couple of screenshots of Tradition Chinese.

Main Gadget

Context Menus

IMDB Browser

Once again let me say thanks to all of you whom continue to motivate & inspire me to create. OpenSubtitles really has a great community of developers and I hopefully one day maybe considered a developer to a lesser extent myself. Thanks everybody! Links have been updated in the main post.

要下载OpenSubtitles小工具请到这里: ... get-zh.exe

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Re: Open Subtitles Gadget beta Just Released!

Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:27 pm


I think it is nice program, I am on mac, so I can't really test it, but...

right now I want to search for it: ... =&gs_rfai=

and as you can see, it is not possible to find it, so maybe it is good idea to make a PAD file and submit it to download directories...

I hope you are using registered useragent :)

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