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Charlie's Angels and The 40 Year Old Virgin

Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:28 am

I made a search for Charlie's Angels and insted is The 40 Year Old Virgin what appears. I am using Oscar, but the problem obviously is an erroneous uploading. It's not the program's fault, but of the user who uploaded the title. How can this be fixed? Can I do something in such a case?

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Re: Charlie's Angels and The 40 Year Old Virgin

Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:07 am

I am not sure, if through Oscar you can report this mismatch. What you can do, send me the filesize (and if you can OS hash) of your file, and I will delete that hash, so it won't match in future.

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Re: Charlie's Angels and The 40 Year Old Virgin

Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:20 am


Thanks for you answer.

The size of the movie is 731,999,232 bytes. The hash made by Oscar is:


and the MD5 hash is

# made with simple checksum.. drag-and-drop hashing for windows.
# from ... ecksum.php
1c10b267223af3390399107fb7389ba5 *Charlie's Angels (2000).avi


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