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Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:25 am

Re: Server issues [ADMIN]

Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:46 am

Fana: The current set-up of the API implies no mirroring is doable until re-designed. It would be possible, in theory, to set-up mirrors for downloading the subtitles but that wouldn't really help much with the current problems (which are related to DB, not bandwidth or file access).
Please help me understanding why it is not doable. Is it because the code wants to stay closed-source or the ads? Or is it something like "30 Rock is hardcoded in the source and no other server can use it"?

I can understand the use of advertisements if they do the paying of the running costs for infrastructure. But in my case I pay all servers from my own pocket and don't need ads. Please keep the website and ads to pay your costs.

I don't want do to mirroring for something like an "OS high availability" setup.

My idea is, that every client out there which uses the XML-RPC API should have the option to use some fallback server. Should all the clients become obsolete only because OS and its database is not available anymore?

I don't think it would be that big problem to replicate the subtitles - in terms of database or filesystem.
they do the paying of the running costs for infrastructure .

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