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Do you like idea of Subdownloader?

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Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:05 am

A very nice program and good interface. One thing I missed was a way to upload multiple subs at once though. Also, I tried searching for a title, got back that there was no subtitle for it yet, so I tried uploading mine, then it told me that there already IS a subtitle in the db, when I search now I can find one aswell.

When I wanted to use the dropdown box to see what ISDB server where available, the old link just disapeared and wont come back. A restore preferences button might be usefull here, aswel as not deleting the old contents right away.
Last edited by Yellow on Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:13 am

that happens when the original subtitles were not uploaded over SubDownloader software. Once you have tried to upload them and you server replied it already has those, the server also updated its information about subtitles so it can match the right ones for your release now.

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Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:19 am

Thanks for letting me know... Can't wait :)
regional settings bug should be fixed, download 1.2.3 version.

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Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:20 am

Woo-hoo!!!! Let me try! :D



Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:21 pm

1.2.3 is Great. Adding extra CD's=Great ; Remembering last IMDBID=Great...
But could be useful to have possibility to paste ID by hand.

Good job, looking forward to the next version :D

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Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:46 pm

imdbid by hand is necessary ofcourse. We will add that too. But I think it is possible now too - just click on search id, and then paste that id there...let me know :)


Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:07 am

just click on search id, and then paste that id there
You have to open search table, you have to search, name or ID, to be able to press OK and add ID.

I'd like to simply paste ID into the row in the main upload table. It's useful in some situations, :wink: it's not that I'm lazy to push the button :D

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Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:00 pm

could you please explain how to setup a proxy?
i dont really know what it is. thanks in advance for any help you may provide.
if you use proxy you should know that. Open Internet Explorer, tools -> internet options -> connections -> lan settings -> proxy server, and you should see filled Address and Port. Copy these two fields into subdownloader proxy setup and it should work.
thanks for the reply. it really helped. i didn't know what i was doing. again thanks you were a great help.

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Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:10 pm

just click on search id, and then paste that id there
Ok I think this function is necessary, so it will be there :)

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Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:10 pm

Great new 1.2.4 version! congratulations!

"FEATURE: Context Menu (Search and Upload Subtitle) now available when u make right click into Windows folders or files. Very useful to search or upload easily."

This I think is a little unstable right now... twice, the program started, took some time (1 - 2 minutes) doing something and not responding to clicks and then ended without giving any error or explanation... Unfortunately, I could not reproduce it, sometimes work (say 90%), sometimes not... Both times where trying to upload a subtitle, though.

I noticed something: I try to upload a sub, it says that it is already in the site and assigns it to the AVI file I propose... but, at the same time, it disconnects it to the file it had previously assigned!

I think that is wrong for 2 reasons; 1) a nasty user could break havoc in the database unassigning subs from correct movies by assigning them to wrong (fake) ones and 2) sometimes (like my case) the same sub applies to more than one movie, for example, the sub is for both the normal resolution and high resolution versions of a series episode

What I did (fortunately I had both the normal and high resolution of the episode) was make a trivial change to the subtitle (adding a space at the end of a line) and uploading the changed version connected to the normal resolution version of the episode.

The thing is, a movie hash can have many subtitles, but also a subtitle can be for many movie hashes.

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Context menu 10% problem

Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:19 am

Hi pko, I'm the developper of Subdownloader. I'm glad you liked the version 1.2.4

Let me know if when you click search or upload in contextual menu, the app crashes because the moviefile or subtitle have some special characters non-english? like áéíóú etc ?

About the removed assignation of the old hash, the admin of the site will fix it as soon as possible to avoid the break havoc you mention. And good idea to change the MD5 of the subtitle(adding a space) so you can assignated both subtitles. :-)

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Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:14 pm

pko, are you _sure_ what you have written ? because now should be possible, that one file has many hashes and many hashes could belong to one file.

did you proove that, old hashes are "deleted" ? because I cant believe that...if so, I have to look to my one year old code :)

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subdownloader languages

Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:41 pm

Does this version have multilanguage support,
or do we have to wait for the next releases?
If yes, how can we translate it?
If no, when do you plan adding it?

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Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:46 pm

ok, this release has no multilanguage support. It is still in developing. You will (and other translators too) translate webpage and program(s) through website online :)

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Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:05 am

Hi everyone, first of all I'd like to say the idea to create this program is great!
Today I updated to the latest version and since I started using it, I have a problem.. as soon as I upload a subtitle, when I get the confirmation that the subtitle has been uploaded, and it returns to the main window, the window is not cliccable anymore, so I can't use the program until I restart it..!!

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