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A strange request (tv series related)

Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:09 am

There's the old issue of whether —for a TV series episode— the episode IMDB id is more appropriate or the series IMDB id; AFAIK it's an open one, and not cast in stone. There have been discussions about it; without wanting to repeat a lot of stuff, I'd like to remind one basic fact:

If a subtitle has the episode imdbid, then the series imdbid can be found easily, plus the info about season and episode numbers; the other way round, fuzzy heuristics have to be used in order to obtain the necessary data.

I've been using the episode imdbid for over three years now when uploading, and that because I know that more information is better than less. Some administrator —don't know which, could be one of the Nov09 new admins or even os himself; I've only got an email address— contacted me and suggested what I was doing was "wrong" and asked me to "correct" my uploads. I answered and asked them to not edit my uploads, and in the meantime I requested pointers to where is the freshest discussion about what is "correct" and what is "wrong", so I can once again participate. I got no answer, while my latest episode uploads were "corrected". I changed them back to the episode imdbid's, and today I saw that even more episodes were "corrected".

Now, unless there is someone who can provide me with a link of the "correct" rules, I consider that as disrespect for the time and effort I've offered and for my opinions, which so far haven't been proven neither correct nor wrong.

So, I'm requesting the following: first, if not available anywhere else, response from the site admins about where "correct" and "wrong" have been defined; failing that, please remove all my uploads (of any type) from the site. I do not believe that I am someone special or a diva, it's only that I feel like the change of imdbid for my uploads is actually a whim and I don't get the respect for what I've contributed to the site.

Hopefully, my intention and message is coming through as intended; if not, I'll happily elaborate (or, eventually, live with that).

Thank you in advance.
Just an earthbound misfit, I.

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Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:46 am

I see your problem. So here is my official statement:

For now (when TV series is not supported, like they should be), the right way, how to mark subtitles is by the ROOT TV Series IMDB, so don't mark it as Episode IMDB.

This Episode IMDB is easy to get, when I will make parser, not big deal. When subtitles are marked as ROOT series, they are more easy to find in current system.

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Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:41 pm

Ah. I've seen this. You search for a series and you don't get the episode subs because they're under the episode imdbid, not the root imdbid.

Yes, it's wrong to store it that way because the system itself doesn't understand it. And if the system doesn't understand it then all the effort goes to waste, since the subs will now show in searches for the series (they will show searching by hash, if you're hashing them, only for those episodes).

I personally would much prefer if for tv series and episodes something other than IMDB was used. TVRage and TheTVDB would be ideal (they have open APIs). IMDB has a half-assed, mediocre TV functionality (and IMDB in general is a bad idea always, as they don't provide an API and in their licence insist the data shouldn't be scraped, as well as not being "open" in the sense that it can be freely redistributed).
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
[url=]My current episode processing work flow[/url].

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