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Request section

Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:06 pm

Already added requests should be cleaned from the list.

(Sorry for my English)

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Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:49 pm

ok, request section is not best, I know. Suggest, how to make it better. I have some ideas:

1. for requests, where subtitles exists delete all request which are older than 2 weeks
2. for requests, where subtitles does not exists delete all request, which are older than 1 month.

What do you think ?

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Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:57 pm

I don't think the request should be deleted when there are no subs....
it may take longer than a month before a sub for a not-so-well-known movie appear....

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Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:03 pm

I don't think the request should be deleted when there are no subs....
it may take longer than a month before a sub for a not-so-well-known movie appear....
ok, it makes sense. What about those, where subtitles exists ? Delete them after...1,2 weeks, month ?

I know sitation is not good nowadays, and fix this shouldnt be a big problem :)

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Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:05 pm

it's complicated when the subs exist....
cause on theory you could delete them right away...
but there's always the "different versions" problem....

considering that problem....I think 2 weeks is fine ^_^'

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Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:07 pm

Ok I will code that today maybe :)

Ok, code is done, as you suggested, I hope request area is a bit better now :)

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:04 am

Yeah, now it's better but there is still some requests which exists.

That version problem is not serious, only important thing is that the list tells something of the most requested subtitles.

Thanks for the pruning. :)

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:08 am

Yeah, now it's better but there is still some requests which exists.
of course, because those requests are not older than 2 weeks. They will be automatically deleted then...

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:08 am

A bunch of ideas for requests :

if request is filled with subdownloader :
- send an email to requester(s)
- delete request

if request if filled thru website :
- send an email to requester
- ask requester to confirm subs match copy (with subdownloader eventually)
- delete request if confirmed, else hold until confirmation but signal existence of subs (and ask confirmation)

while request not filled :
hold forever if necessary

For browsing request, add filter "last week, last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last year, more than 1 year"

when uploading subs either thru subdownloader or web site : check that if request exists and if yes, flag request as (maybe) filled

for all requests : add a search, sort by date, imdb id, requesters, etc, pretty much like the subs base.

for all requests : send a weekly email to contibutors that have subscribed to it : "This week theses subtitles were requested, can you help ?".
(note that one should be able to select the languages he wants to contribute and therefore not receive request for languages he will not be likely to have).

That was my 2 cents for today :D

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:31 pm

A bunch of ideas for requests :
if request is filled with subdownloader :
- send an email to requester(s)
- delete request

if request if filled thru website :
- send an email to requester
- ask requester to confirm subs match copy (with subdownloader eventually)
- delete request if confirmed, else hold until confirmation but signal existence of subs (and ask confirmation)
this works a bit different, I will describe it a bit, it is hidden feature as always :)
OK, every night runs a script, it sends "search results" based on search criteria - log in, search something, and at bottom you ahve MAIL RESULT. When user add request, program automatically add this to "search request", so when request is filled, it is sent to requester as you want to. I dont think it is good to ask user, if those subtitles match. Maybe we add someday requests through subdownloader (it is not possible now), or maybe we allow only these kinds of requests, so we will know, if requests are filled with right subtitles.
while request not filled :
hold forever if necessary
yes, now it is done so.
For browsing request, add filter "last week, last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last year, more than 1 year"
this should be done, it is not so hard I think. But dont want to see SQL which is generating that :)
when uploading subs either thru subdownloader or web site : check that if request exists and if yes, flag request as (maybe) filled
it is already done - look at right side of requests...
for all requests : add a search, sort by date, imdb id, requesters, etc, pretty much like the subs base.
yes, I thought this should be nice too, but who is looking on requests anyway ? :)
for all requests : send a weekly email to contibutors that have subscribed to it : "This week theses subtitles were requested, can you help ?".
(note that one should be able to select the languages he wants to contribute and therefore not receive request for languages he will not be likely to have).
nothing as contributors mailing list does not exist :) I don't want send mail at all, or minimize it...everything is on the site:) So when someone want fill some request, he just look in request area and fill it.
That was my 2 cents for today :D
my 4 cents :)

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:53 pm

For browsing request, add filter "last week, last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last year, more than 1 year"
this should be done, it is not so hard I think. But dont want to see SQL which is generating that :)
mmm depending on how you store your dates in the SQL database it's more or less easy...
let's say your dates are store in mysql format :

Code: Select all

$today = time(); $last_week = date("Y-m-d", ($today - (86400 * 7)) ) ; $last_month = date("Y-m-d", ($today - (86400 * 30)) ) ; $last_6months = date("Y-m-d", ($today - (86400 * 182)) ) ; $last_year = date("Y-m-d", ($today - (86400 * 365)) ) ; $all = '0000-00-00' ; switch ($_POST['since_when']) { case 'week' : $date_selected = $last_week; case 'month' : $date_selected = $last_month; .../... } $sql = "select * from " . TABLE_WHERE_REQUEST_ARE_STORED . "where date_added > $date_selected" ;
of course in the exemple above, date selections are not exact (a month is defined as 30 days, it ignores leap years... but for the purpose it's good enough)

there are also some SQL requests such as :

Code: Select all

FROM_UNIXTIME(table.field_name) which returns a date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS for example : $last_week = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", ($today - (86400 * 7)) ) ; sql = "SELECT .... FROM_UNIXTIME(table.field_name) as date_added ". "WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(table.field_name) >= $last_week". "ORDER BY date_added DESC;
if you have your dates stored as unix timestamps :)

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Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:35 pm

hehe, dates aren't problem, I will show you how current SQL looks like for request:

Code: Select all

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS count(IDSubtitle) as cnts, AID, cnt, MovieName, MovieYear, MovieImdbRating, IDMovieImdb, IDMovie, LanguageName, ISO639, IDSubLanguage, added FROM ( SELECT AID, COUNT( a.ASubjectID ) AS cnt, b.MovieName, b.MovieYear, b.MovieImdbRating, b.IDMovieImdb, b.IDMovie, c.LanguageName, c.ISO639, c.IDSubLanguage, a.ADateTime AS added FROM subs_abstract a LEFT JOIN subs_movie b ON a.ASubjectID = b.IDMovie LEFT JOIN subs_subtitle_language c ON a.ALanguageID = c.IDSubLanguage WHERE $where and a.AType = 'sreq' AND a.AEnabled = 1 GROUP BY ASubjectID, ALanguageID ) x LEFT JOIN subs_subtitle y ON idsublanguage = SubLanguageID and IDMovie = MovieID WHERE (SubEnabled = 1 or SubEnabled is null) GROUP BY AID ORDER BY cnt DESC , added DESC
hope you understand :) I am using ABstract table for storing everything, and it is quite fun :)

Ofcourse I know how to add some condition for selecting just some records which are in date range...but...I am doing something different, I think, and I hope, tomorrow main page (first) will change a bit...

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Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:09 pm

yes, I thought this should be nice too, but who is looking on requests anyway ?
Believe me, the request are careful watched, since they contain the newest movies available on the web, same as I use this search function not only for searching subs, since I watch the most in English

The request sections of some private trackers keep track of the number of requests you complete, and with this create a ranking or so, or other benefits, make something up for that.

Most communities live or die on the request section, since when no-one comments requests their would be no content users search for.
I totally forget to fill in this rule. How stupid of me.

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Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:12 pm

fine :) I think request is nice, I use it too. I am also thinking about "Prepare" page, where subtitle translators should write on which subtitles they are working and how many percents they have comlpete, plus estimated time to finish...

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Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:45 pm

The sub under prograss page is a good idea, go for it.

A search in reuest would be nice too.

There are too many reqs in a single language, one can't even check
if the sub he wants was already reqested or not yet.

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