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Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:11 pm

thats quite strange :( if you can, try that from other computer, clear all cookies etc...coz i should work :)
When the same indication appeared last time, it turned out that the problem was caused by a small bug in the code. Since there is nothing set to the SK language in my computer, it seems to be very unlikely the problem is on my side. Yet, I tried it on another computer, but a miracle hasn't happened. The only thing that has changed on my side is the IP address. Thus I guess the problem is in the IP based redirection again. I would strongly recommend to disable the redirection at all.

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Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:11 pm


I cannot emphasize enough the importance of video filesize.

Release name is all and good, but many people remove the rip tags in filenames. Whenever you get the file with no release name, you often have to guess which subtitle file will fit.

On the other hand, filesize cannot be mistaken. (And i have often been able to find again the release name with the help of the filesize)

FPS would be good too, especially for time framed formats (MicroDVD...)
Actually for microDVD .sub formats, the FPS should be a mandatory field :)

It's still possible to put these infos in comments, but a field, even optional, would go a long way to incite people in filling them.

Also, for not so skilled uploaders, a (?) with a short explanation on where to find or how to fill the info would be good. For example :
  • release name (?) = "This would be the name of the file, including informations such as rip tags (the person/group who made the rip). This helps downloaders in finding the right version of subtitles for their copy"

    filesize (?) : "This is an important identificator. If you have the video file, right click on it and use "properties" to find the size"

    FPS (?) : "Frames per second. Especially important for some subtitles formats. You can find this information either in your media player, or with a program like gspot or abcavi (links)"
and so forth.

I know it sounds silly, but believe me, a lot of people do not know how to fill these informations, or even how to find them. Helping them to do so, should greatly improve the quality of the database :).

Another suggestion : You do check the content of uploaded files to avoid duplicates. Whenever someone uploads a dupe, you could add the possibility to add a comment, or a missing information to the file already in base. (fill the missing fields size, fps, release if they are empty for exemple :))

Still as it is, great work, really :)

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Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:51 pm

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of video filesize.
FPS would be good too, especially for time framed formats (MicroDVD...)
Actually for microDVD .sub formats, the FPS should be a mandatory field :)
yes, when I begin code this site, filesize was most important thing. And yest, it is still most important. But with changing idea how subtitles upload/download should work we make SubDownloader program. In this program is everything done automatically (filesize, fps, length of video...) and it is send to page. So every subtitle should be uploaded with this program.
  • release name (?) = "This would be the name of the file, including informations such as rip tags (the person/group who made the rip). This helps downloaders in finding the right version of subtitles for their copy"

    filesize (?) : "This is an important identificator. If you have the video file, right click on it and use "properties" to find the size"

    FPS (?) : "Frames per second. Especially important for some subtitles formats. You can find this information either in your media player, or with a program like gspot or abcavi (links)"
and so forth.
thanks for help, will think about that how to implement (javascript help?). Also we are re-coding from scratch, so just tell me your suggestions.

For last suggestion: I do dupe check, and those informations should be added only through that program - try it and you will see what I mean :)

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Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:53 pm

thanks for help, will think about that how to implement (javascript help?). Also we are re-coding from scratch, so just tell me your suggestions.
It could be done using "title" attributes of the href tag, or, with a div display:none that would change to a display:block with a click on the "?". After that depending on how you want it to look is up to you :). Either solution is rather easy to implement excepted that you'd probably need a libraly lie "nicetitles.js" to permit links in href titles attributes (basically it takes the content of a title attribute and transfoms it as a layer that shows on mouse over or mouse click). If you can't google it, i think i have it somewhere.

As for subdownloader i might give it a try :) Does it need a Python interpreter ? (i'm working on windows, not linux ;))

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Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:05 am

It could be done using "title" attributes of the href tag, or, with a div display:none that would change to a display:block with a click on the "?". After that depending on how you want it to look is up to you :). Either solution is rather
yes, exactly I thought about this one, I should find small js library for that, I did some help like this before, but those libs was quite huge (some 10s of kb javascript source codes).
As for subdownloader i might give it a try :) Does it need a Python interpreter ? (i'm working on windows, not linux ;))
no, it is compiled with everything, it has also installer, so it works nice on windows too.

Thanks for feedback.

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Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:42 am

yes, exactly I thought about this one, I should find small js library for that, I did some help like this before, but those libs was quite huge (some 10s of kb javascript source codes).
Well the nicetitles library that i use is 13kb + 1kb for the css file. On the other hand, it's only loaded once, and stays in the browsers cache after that, so it's no big deal :)
HowTo, comments and alternative libraries based on the same code are here
no, it is compiled with everything, it has also installer, so it works nice on windows too.
Installed and tried it. Nice program. I'm in the process of loading all my sub files to the site with it :)

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Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:31 pm

[url=]HowTo, comments Installed and tried it. Nice program. I'm in the process of loading all my sub files to the site with it :)
ok, in next version of webpage, this help window will appear I hope. Also, thanks for uploading nice subtitles with subdownloader, I am glad you like it and using it.

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Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:30 am

It has some hickups..

lost a title :

lost my uploader id there : ... stalgie-en

(and i was still connected, i uploaded one juste before, one just after :))

and one thing that should be done : the drop down language menu
should default to "Choose Language", not whatever preference the user has.
with a popup, if no language has been chosen

Tonight while uploading i made twice the error of forgetting to choose the language of the subs, sending once a french one, later a spanish one, labeled as english subs.

May be the uploader shoud be able to edit and correct errors he/she might have made ?

Also, the imdb search doesn't always work properly with the title (most of the time not at all for me, and believe me i am very familiar with iMDB and how they write the titles (in fact all my video file names use original title from imdb)).
Anyhow the title search don't work most of the time and so I have to open a browser window, search the film in iMDB, copy the id from the URL, enter it in the iMDB search field...

Despite those hickups It's still a very nice program to use... Since I have about 600 films with external subs, i'm rather glad to be able to send them (or tag already existing ones with the md5 from the video files in order to help others ;)

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Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:44 am

I just coded small thing: when you search subtitles, and page is on "search" (listing subtitles), e.g. ... uageid-all - star is given to every subtitle, which was uploaded by SubDownloader. Now we can see, who is using SubDownloader for uploading subtitles :) I hope, after some time there will be only stars :)
It has some hickups..
lost a title :
I did update, so it should be ok. Also I changed program a bit.
lost my uploader id there : ... stalgie-en
(and i was still connected, i uploaded one juste before, one just after :))
yes, this is quite strange :( we will see how often this will happen.
and one thing that should be done : the drop down language menu
should default to "Choose Language", not whatever preference the user has.
with a popup, if no language has been chosen
you are talking about SubDownloader or website ? I think SubDownloader, right ?
Tonight while uploading i made twice the error of forgetting to choose the language of the subs, sending once a french one, later a spanish one, labeled as english subs.

May be the uploader shoud be able to edit and correct errors he/she might have made ?
there is some "uploaders" menu, where can uploader change these mistaken, I am going check that out, and if not, I will code it now, I hope :)
Because thats normal, ppl are doing mistakes.
Also, the imdb search doesn't always work properly with the title (most of the time not at all for me, and believe me i am very familiar with iMDB and how they write the titles (in fact all my video file names use original title from imdb)).
Anyhow the title search don't work most of the time and so I have to open a browser window, search the film in iMDB, copy the id from the URL, enter it in the iMDB search field...
you are writing about SubDownloader or website, coz I really dont know...:( You are uploading through SubDownloader, so confirm this plz and then we can look on that.
Despite those hickups It's still a very nice program to use... Since I have about 600 films with external subs, i'm rather glad to be able to send them (or tag already existing ones with the md5 from the video files in order to help others ;)[/quote]

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Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:52 pm

you are writing about SubDownloader or website, coz I really dont know...:sad: You are uploading through SubDownloader, so confirm this plz and then we can look on that.
Yes I am speaking about subdownloader. I started to upload more this morning. Had no problem with the 1st two titles in iMDB Search, then after that, iMDB search with title didn't work again and i had to enter the iMDB id manually in the field. (search with id works perfectly though).

I'll take a break in uploads for the rest of the day. (I started with another one of my hard drives and realized most of the subs there were in vobsub format, I had to subrip them. I almost finished with the Bergman movies (all of them my own rips I never did the srt before. Since they have travelled a bit since i ripped them, i guess some people will be happy to find the subs) :))

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Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:04 pm

Oh and subdownloader lost again my id when uploading

here : ... 6/riten-fr

also here : ... 25/hets-fr

(and i was connected and uploaded just before, just after)

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Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:33 pm

Oh and subdownloader lost again my id when uploading

here : ... 6/riten-fr

also here : ... 25/hets-fr

(and i was connected and uploaded just before, just after)
yes...we already know why is this caused, and we are working on correction (php runs on 2 servers, and sessions are not shared now).

Ok, I also just programmed, that you can change imdb id and language for your uploaded subtitles, hope it work OK.

Update: sharing sessions should work OK now :)


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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:17 pm

Please, add a way to notify fake subtitles!

It's a pita to download subtitle files only to find out that the wanted subtitle is actually the one of an other movie. It occurs very often (especially in french subtitles sedction, don't know why), and I have no way to quickly flag the fake ones, so that other downloaders dont get caught.

Try "chinese ghost story" (FRE) for example, inside the downloaded compressed file you find subtitles to "cocodiledundee" (sic)

It's stupid and pointless and I have no way to help fight that spam/scam/fake/crap.

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Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:46 am

it is already possible, just click "Correct subtitles" link (in English), and you can correct those subtitles, or request for delete.

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Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:34 pm

People should be able to access the request board from the forum page.

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