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Open Subtitles new lay out

Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:11 pm

hello all, (especially site admins/moderators)

I'v looked at alot of subtitle sites and have to say this is one of the best, but with greatness, in time improvements can still be made. eg/

to search for series subs sometimes can be so difficult, as new subs are added they take the first spot. For example 'HEROES' subs is currently on season 3 episode 19, if some one comes and adds subs for the whole of season 1&2 the above mentioned subs end up at the bottom of the heap which can take a long time to find, especially for new users!

but if they were categorised, when ever some one decides to add new subs they would still fall in order. This may not be making sense as I suffer from a major migraine as I'm writing, if this is the case I'v added a link for 'anysubs' (so you can check out the layout and maybe understand what I mean) :roll:

Please let me know what you think, or if this is possible. thank you

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