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Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:35 pm

New project coming up.

Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:40 pm

Hello everyone!
I am posting this, because I am trying to start a new project, and I believe it could be of your interest.
You have probably heard about amateur films. And maybe the words "fan film" are also no unfamiliar to you. Basically "fan film" refers to an amateur movie, made by people who like a certain character or story and try to make their own version. It's quite an interesting world, and I have been around it for some years now.
Big problem with these amateur films is that they are 99% english made, which make them unreachable for people who don't speak english well (or maybe when the actors have weird accents).
From many contacts I have been making with many fan film makers, most of them would like to have their movies subbed, but they 1) don't know anything about subbing, or 2) don't have time and energy to invest on it (since they are always FILMING).
So, I am looking for subbers who are willing to work on those films.
Please, keep in mind that these films are AMATEUR, so they are usually showed for free in festivals and in the internet. No money comes from them, and so there is no payment possible for subbing it. I am looking for people who are FANsubbers.
I know very little about subbing, but I know it takes a lot of work. So, please, if you are interested in being a part of this, contact me so we can talk about it in more detail.
This project is still in its very start, so I have no webpage nor anything for you to see, but please feel free to contact me and I will give you all the info I can.
Sorry if this post was a litlle confusing. Hope you are interested on being a part of it, please answer me in this post and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Hope to hear from you soon, keep up the good work.

God bless.

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