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Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:19 pm


my itension with Sublight is to rule the world ;P I built in secret weapon which will activate on 30.2.2009 at 14:00. I can't tell you more because I already told you too much ;P

Seriously, do you really check every single line of source code of every program you have on your computer??? Well, I know I would not have time to do such thing (and 99.9999% of other people)... Can you guarantee me that Python or any other library you are using in Subdownloader does not have any builtin spyware? You answer will probably be, yes, because you have OPEN SOURCE CODE. Whatever...

Can you guaranee me that YOUR opensubtitles server does not report my movies to the MPAA :), who knows ? Where is THE CODE?

We could go on and on...

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Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:39 pm

heh stop it :) Personally I like SubLight, it is nice program. I don't like it because uses different hash method, thats the problem. I know opensubtitles hashing is not the best, but I thought it should be nice to implement something, what already exists for this purpose (I get inspiration from MPC, and also Gabest send me database of subtitles at beginning).

Thats my point.

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Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:13 pm

He doesn't show your code because he doesen't want to show his program is using os server as source to steal hash data and perhaps by using other tools - subtitles too :).

os: SubLight hashes are almoust the same as napiprojekt - hash(MD5) from first 5 mb, Sublight from first 10 mb if I good remember.

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Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:29 pm

I had to go to extremes because he was really overreacting.

OK, os admits he is using Sublight, that's good :P (just don't run it on 30.2.2009 :P)

os, even if we had same hashing algorithm, we are using different subtitle databases (on very different technologies behind). How would it help?



Sublight is using opensubtitles hash algorithm only for detecting unknown movies but it does not hide it. It even identifies to opensubtitles server as Sublight;0.9.x. They can see this from logs.

From version 0.9.2 Sublight can also search subtitles from secondary sources (using plugin framework which I designed). You can read this from "About dialog". This is also not a secret and users were really happy about this feature.

I am not familiar with napiprojekt. Sublight hash algorithm was designed by me and is described at following link:

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Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:43 pm


the thing about spyware in your program I was not saying it seriously,I'm not saying that you have spyware in your software.

But you don't seem the point of how annoying is not to know if you have or not.
guarantee me that Python or any other library you are using in Subdownloader does not have any builtin spyware?
Well, you try to say that phrase in some python forum and they will answer you better(if they cannot stop laughing at you).

It seems you still don't know and don't care about the intention of developing open source, that not only comes with software, but also with society, politics, arts, anything in life is related.
Can you guaranee me that YOUR opensubtitles server does not report my movies to the MPAA Smile, who knows ? Where is THE CODE?
I don't have access to the server(it's not mine) so I cannot show you the code.

If you want to check my code for subdownloader, you know where to find it, then you can be sure if I have a weapon on 30.2.2009 or I'm just saying no sense that nobody else can prove.

What is important at the end, it's the freedom I'm giving to you, and the lack of freedom that you give me. and of course I know you care very little about FREEDOM because that's a hippie thing :-) and you just want your software to run very fancy in your fancy VISTA/XP :-)

Yes, we could go on and on...

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Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:31 pm


I just wanted to prove to you that you will be 100% safe ONLY if you go thru all source code by yourself and compile it by yourself (every single program you are using, including operating system and compiler). If someone tells you it is safe it does not mean it really is. I know I was overreacting with python and everything I just wanted to give you an example. You are taking me too literally :)

I would like to end this discussion because it is pointless. You have your ideas and I have my own. 99.99% of people just want to watch movie with subtitle, 0.01% is worrying if their software has SOURCE CODE.

p.s. although secret weapon will be activated on 30.2.2009 at 14:00, more and more people is using Sublight :P Doomsday is inevitable :P

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Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:15 am

p.s. although secret weapon will be activated on 30.2.2009 at 14:00, more and more people is using Sublight :P Doomsday is inevitable :P
Please stop. You're not funny but you've somehow been led to believe you are. If that's the case you've been lied to.

The points still stand:

1.-You could've chosen to improve what currently exists. You could've asked around here to see if your "enhancements" would be considered.

2.-You could've come out clean from the beginning, first trying to benefit from the name, then trying t benefit from the forum.

3.-You could've chosen to help people, the users that download subtitles, by offering a joint effort that benefits them but no, you went ahead and re-built it all over again. Now users have yet another place to go and look for subtitles.

You're doing things driven by pure selfishness. It's a valid position but don't try to mask it as anything different. It's not like you didn't know there was an active community you could've tried to help instead of taking advantage of.

You come here, arrogantly reply to people who're just asking you some pretty sensible things and you insult them by going around the subject while you keep getting free advertising out of this place (which, let's be honest, has gotta have more visits right now and thus is advantageous to you).

Come on. Stop being a prick. Either be honest or get the hell out. You've made your post, you've gotten your free publicity, you've won: You can abuse others and get away with it.

Now, please, leave us alone if you're not going to actually provide any useful help, advice or suggestions.

"Os" is too kind. I would've kicked you in the nuts and deleted your post, your user and banned your arse off.
[url=]OpenSubtitles from your desktop: SolEol for Mac/Windows/Linux[/url]
[url=]My current episode processing work flow[/url].

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Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:25 am

eduo and opensubtitles admins:
If you think I am making advantage of this forum or afraid that too many people will switch to Sublight then please delete this topic. You would not have to kick or ban me, because I would never write here again.

If you do not want me to notify people about new Sublight features then you can lock this thread. In this case I also promise I would not create new topics about Sublight again.

In free world and open community you would leave this thread to live (and I could continue presenting new features and discuss about them).

Now you decide...

Best regards

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Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:31 am

In free world and open community you would leave this thread to live (and I could continue presenting new features and discuss about them).
You are totally wrong, in an open community we don't want your propietary,standards-breaker, waste people's time, and microsoft-dependant software. :-p

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Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:04 am

Yes, I am too kind. That's me.

SubLight is quite nice, I try it long time ago once, I don't use it. I don't like it is closed source either, but from my point of view, thats not the biggest problem.

Biggest problem is, there are already too many standards for movie hashing. Before I started OS, I make a research, if something like that doesn't exists, and I find out, it is something, so I have to decide, if I use what exists (there was MPC and around 2000 subtitles in db), or to choose a "better" algo, but start from the scratch and make a new "standard". Now I am happy, I use gabest MPC algo, so MPC (still popular player), can use ISDB from os.

You have different database than OS, but if hashes algo will be same, we can cooperate and change subs. I am big fan of subtitles, that was reason I made this service, I am doing it for all of us.

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Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:01 pm

Users will be able to say thanks to subtitle publishers:


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Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:56 pm

Administrative tools:


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Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:51 am

A couple of notes/issues/requests:

* One can't download multiple subtitles because they are all renamed as, for example. So if I download English subtitles and then Spanish, the English file gets replaced by the Spanish one. Can you change it such that different languages get different extensions? For example:

* When double clicking on a movie for manual search it almost never finds one. Part of the problem is that the arguments passed are wrong. For example, "The Bourne Identity.mp4" appears as The Bourne Identity mp4 in the manual search. Why is the MP4 extension passed as an argument for moviename? That throws off the search and nothing gets returned. Also, other parameters are thrown in, such as "Blu-ray" or "Dvdrip" and so no movie matches are found. Could you make the scrapping process smarter so that it recognizes movies, regardless of the extra tags in the filename? The scrapper in XBMC is able to match movies to IMDB for example without any issues. Something like that would give far better matches than what's currently available. I just found out that one can set some words to be ignored in the "Other Settings" section. I guess this would solve the issue I described above, but my suggestion is, why not make it standard? IE, filter out MP4, MKV, etc etc by default.

* When doing manual searches, many subtitles entries from are missing. Could provide the full listings?

* I would also really like that a standard hashing used, instead of having another standard. It makes sense to support the current open database.

Overall I like the look and feel of Sublight; it's not usual to see visual studio native apps in Windows. I hope it keeps getting better.

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Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:09 pm

unimatrix00, thank you for your post. Here are my answers.

* One can't download multiple subtitles because they are all renamed as, for example. So if I download English subtitles and then Spanish, the English...

-> This is already implemented and will be available in final version


* When double clicking on a movie for manual search it almost never finds one. Part of the problem is that the arguments passed are wrong. For example, "The Bourne Identity.mp4" appears as The Bourne Identity mp4 in the manual search. Why is the MP4 extension passed as an argument for moviename? That throws off the search and nothing gets returned. Also, other parameters are thrown in, such as "Blu-ray" or "Dvdrip" and so no movie matches are found. Could you make the scrapping process smarter so that it recognizes movies, regardless of the extra tags in the filename? The scrapper in XBMC is able to match movies to IMDB for example without any issues. Something like that would give far better matches than what's currently available. I just found out that one can set some words to be ignored in the "Other Settings" section. I guess this would solve the issue I described above, but my suggestion is, why not make it standard? IE, filter out MP4, MKV, etc etc by default.

-> Yes, you can define your own ignore words, but I will add some aditional default words as you suggested.

* When doing manual searches, many subtitles entries from are missing. Could provide the full listings?

-> I will check this one. Can you give me an example?

* I would also really like that a standard hashing used, instead of having another standard. It makes sense to support the current open database.

-> Sublight has implemented both algorithms and could easily search by hashes from both databases ( and All I have to do is implement search by hash in my plugin framework. I will have this in mind but it is not priority.

* it's not usual to see visual studio native apps in Windows

-> What did you mean by this? A lot of applications are written in Visual Studio :)

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Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:35 am

Thanks for the reply mocofaco. Regarding the ignore words, I'm still having trouble with searching. Whenever I double click on a movie in "My Movies" it still tells me that it doesn't find any matches. I have to manually click on "Search" and, only then, it'll return matches. Could you simplify this so that it does it automatically? IE, if it doesn't find a hash with auto-search, make it find by filename with manual search automatically. (note that most of my movies are my own DVD rips so the hashing will never get matched)

Another issue that I'm seeing is: in "My Movies" when clicking on "Search video files" the listing gets sorted by file extension. For example MKV movies are first, MP4 movies are next etc, then M4V, etc. Could you make the default to return alphabetically? I think it'd be more usable...

Regarding visual studio, I meant C#/.net, that's what you are using right? My comment was complimentary BTW ;)

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