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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:56 am

hi it takes time until everything is reflected, if IMDb is not updated within few days, let us know again

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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:38 am

Hi, thanks... I will do...

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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Sun May 12, 2024 5:36 am

Nothing, it's already fix, thank you

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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Sat May 25, 2024 6:00 pm

I have strange problem with IMDB information import.
I have recently uploaded 2 subtitles and both of them don't have any information about movie except country and language, IMDB update also doesn't work.
The subtitles are: ... rengard-it ... scienza-en

Also I've tried IMDB update on one of the my older subtitle, which had all information, and after the import it became also broken like the last two. This subtitles: ... ys-bleu-fr

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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Sun May 26, 2024 2:19 pm


I agree a lot of info is missing, but the most important (name, kind, year) is there. Sometimes, some cases, if it's only one movie or recently added, because of IMDb API changes, the site can either struggle retrieving certain data, or can take up to a week to update.

This new API of theirs is causing us issues, and sometimes "IMDb Update" doesn't perform as perfectly as it used to in the past. IMDb API compatibility is out of our control. Sorry. :(

New site will retrieve data from other Movie databases and not just IMDb, so hopefully that will be better.

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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:54 pm

We updated IMDb script.
Ratings, thumbnails and some other info was missing there.

We should start noticing more thumbnails on subtitles now. :)
If it shows as "No Thumbnail Yet", hitting "IMDb Update" should resolve that.

If it says: "TV root Series OK queued for update later," that particular episode sub page should get a thumbnail, the rest of the TV series episodes will get updated automatically in due course. You don't need to do all of them individually.

Process should work for movie subtitle pages, too.

If it's a brand new released series that didn't have any uploads before, it may take several days to retrieve the thumbnail.
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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:50 pm

I want to upload arabic subtitles to kill 2023 but can't find its page .. thanks in advance

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Re: IMDb Update Issues (New TV series)

Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:06 pm


You don't need to create a page. Just go to UPLOAD and insert this IMDB: where it says: "you can type movie name!" Select your file and hit "upload!"

And everything will be created. I can see you already did it: ... 52/kill-ar

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