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Default Language Upload

Wed May 15, 2024 3:17 pm

Whenever I upload subtitles, the language defaults to Finnish. On my profile, I've selected English as my language and that is the usual language for my uploads. Finnish isn't even one of my selected languages. How do I set it so that English will be the default? I'm paranoid that I will forget to change it someday and upload the English subs as Finnish.

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Re: Default Language Upload

Thu May 16, 2024 4:21 pm

On .org:

Go here:
Change Settings> Preferred subtitle languages:
In that section ensure only English is selected and then "commit changes!"

On:, I think it's under "site languages!"
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Re: Default Language Upload

Tue May 21, 2024 6:14 pm

I deleted all languages but English and uploaded a subtitle. It defaulted to English. I re-selected my language options and uploaded another. This time it defaulted to Swedish. At least that is one of my language options. I have site-language set to English. Why isn't English the default upload language?

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Re: Default Language Upload

Wed May 22, 2024 3:06 pm

Yes, I tested it all and it seems you can only select a certain amount of language presets before the default is affected. Any language selected under "English" will auto default to upload language. The first in the alphabet is selected.
"Site language" has nothing to do with, as that just reflects the User-Interface language. "Site language" can not determine upload language because there are more "Preferred subtitle languages" than there are "Site language" options.

Is there any specific reason why many languages are needed?
If it's just for search purposes, then there is an alternative way to search that you can use.

Option 1:

On any subtitle page under "Interesting links", you can click on "All subtitles for this movie" which will show you all subs for that movie/series/episode in other languages.

Option 2:

From any search page, i.e.: ... uageid-eng
If you change the "eng" at the end of the URL to "dut" and hit enter, it'll show all subs under Dutch: ... uageid-dut

Those last three letters in the URL can be changed to any language code and it'll have the same searching affect for the language. Or change to "all" for all language results.

Sorry, but this isn't something that can be bettered on this site.
The new website, once live, will behave differently and may meet your needs better.

Hope that helps.
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