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Syncing subtitles

Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:24 pm

Up until now I have not had a problem with downloading subtitles and adding them to a film I also downloaded, until today that is. I downloaded the film Tar 2022 then downloaded the subtitles in dutch, but they are not synced there must be a minute or more that the subtitles are forward, I have tried to sync the subtitles in the vlc player with instructions for a mac computer and nothing worked for me, so please any help would be much appreciated. Thank you :D

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Re: Syncing subtitles

Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:10 pm

Not all video versions are the same, so not all subtitles are synced to all videos. Sometimes it's enough to just shift everything forwards or backwards, and/or change frame rate. But sometimes the video is a totally different 'cut', like extended version or directors cut. Also, typically HDTV versions are different from Bluray or Web-DL versions, because of the advertisement blocks. Then you need to find all the different blocks and resync each of them. In the worst case, you must do a resync for every single line. This is a hell of a job.

I don't know what is the situation in your specific case. But instead of fighting with resyncing the subtitles, maybe the best way to go is get another video version. See the available Dutch subs for Tar: ... ie-1167107
Now pick one of them and find the stated matching video file.

I assume you are Dutch(?) - if that's the case, here is some extensive topic about all this: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=16548
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