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Advanced searching for ONLY foreign speaking srt files?

Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:45 am

Good evening all,
I just came across opensubtitles and am pretty impressed so far, but wanted to ask a question.

Is there a keyword (or something) I can use that will show me subtitles of ONLY foreign-speaking parts of a movie?? Some tag/flag or something?

For example, I was searching for an srt for "The Hunt For Red October". I'm an English-speaker, so I do not want subtitles for 90% of the movie, but when they are speaking Russian, I'd like them to show up. Most of the srt files, however, have the entire movie in subtitles.

I did find that I could just manually edit the srt and remove all English lines, but that was quite a chore.

Any input is appreciated!

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Re: Advanced searching for ONLY foreign speaking srt files?

Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:39 am

If the uploader did a good job, subs with only foreign parts are marked as such, and a 'globe' icon will show in search result lists:


You can also search specifically for only such subs. A bit right from the search input field, there is a link "Advanced search". In here, check the corresponding checkbox, and the search result list will only display the subs you want:


If the uploader did not mark the subs, it is sometimes mentioned in the additional info with the text "foreign parts only" or "forced". Obviously, then you can not automatically filter the search results, but you have to go through it manually.
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Re: Advanced searching for ONLY foreign speaking srt files?

Sun Jul 24, 2022 9:02 pm


Many thanks for that! Good info right there. I figured there had to be a way, so I appreciate it. Also appreciate the "lingo" help (forced, foreign parts only, etc).


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