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requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects API problem

Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:58 pm

Hello first of all thanks for all the hard work you provide to us.

I have a question regarding OS API regarding multiple language selection when searching new opensubtitles API
As stated in documentation language and string separated with , but obviously not working as to many redirects happen

This is the error i get

requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects.

[*] payload = open_search.set_payload(moviehash=movie.file_hash, query=movie.title, imdb_id=movie.imdb_id, languages=lang, year=movie.year)[*] ...
Here is the Perma link to the code

Any help?

And regarding the forum and site, had to create a new account for this forum, aren't the forum and connected to same account?

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Re: requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects API problem

Fri Dec 03, 2021 12:51 pm


it is always good idea to actually write what you are searching, because it can be different error, and hard to understand from your text.

This works:

Code: Select all

curl -v -X GET ',en&' --header 'Api-Key: {api_key}'
write your code which doesnt work

for account - and are using different accounts, and also is different (you have to import account from into - we are moving everything (forum, blog...) on .com domain, where everything will work, like one would expect :)

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Re: requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects API problem

Fri Dec 03, 2021 1:28 pm

No matter if it's a tv show episode or a movie, searching for multiple languages at once doesn't work for me. Keep in mind when searching for a single language - it works, but selecting more languages ie en, hr two languages u get that to many redirects error

This works,

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

{'moviehash': 'fbba534c1cc7d654', 'query': 'The Man In The Iron Mask', 'imdb_id': '0120744', 'languages': 'hr', 'year': 1998}

But this gets me to many redirects

Code: Select all

{'moviehash': 'fbba534c1cc7d654', 'query': 'The Man In The Iron Mask', 'imdb_id': '0120744', 'languages': 'hr,en', 'year': 1998}

As stated in api's documentation, language codes separated with , should work.. not in my case. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: apparently i was mistyping some stuff. It works now!
Thank you

Another question, i just did the import account.
The old account works on and but not on
It just works the one i created two days ago, is the problem present cause i used the same account and email like on old site to create on forum?
Last edited by FlameCRO on Fri Dec 03, 2021 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects API problem

Tue Dec 14, 2021 12:24 pm

forum users another accounts, so yeah, you have to have 3 accounts for now. This will going to change with new system, where it will be all interconnected (and will be later turned off)

I hope all works for you.

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