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Error in "The Outer Limits" (1995) whole series?

Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:30 am

Although I haven't checked ALL of the subtitles for the series "The Outer Limits", most of those that I did check have the incorrect episode packed into the zip file you download. For example, choose S01E05 and you g et the subtitles for S01E04. And so on down the line - at least for a few episodes. Another example, just checked.... S01E21 contains the subtitles for S01E20.
I don't know if this is the correct place to report this, but there it is.

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Re: Error in "The Outer Limits" (1995) whole series?

Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:40 pm

Check following topic post for a rough idea for an answer: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17119#p43527

The guide in this link is the best way to report wrongly submitted subs on the site: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2595

Currently the series Black-ish seems to be having similar problems. The whole season 7 is mislabelled by NTb release groups (and incidentally ION10), since they have numbered the 2 specials as 8x01 & 8x02. Which are separate from the season itself. So that means for that season episode 1 is actually labelled episode 3 according to IMDb.

In the Outer Limits, episode names don't match the episode number. So without watching it, hard to say whether the episode name is correct or the episode number. Absolutely impossible for an admin to sort out.

I hate series like that, but it's up to the individual users to help the site and community to organise it accordingly.
There's only so much admins can do by themselves.

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Re: Error in "The Outer Limits" (1995) whole series?

Sat May 01, 2021 6:59 am

First off, thanks scooby007 for the detailed and concise procedure for correcting and submission of corrections for subtitles:


In many cases, such as issues for "Outer Limits" above, submitted changes to admin review for corrections. In this instance, there were quite a few corrections, but not excessive. Also, these corrections needed to be addressed singly, as each required re-identification to unique IMDB #.

In other cases, have spent a good spell tackling complete seasons for issues, typically some common error.

Now addressing corrections for another TV series, however, there are a total of ~150, across five seasons, which would be somewhat time consuming.

Question: Is there any provision, or does the functionality exist for GLOBAL editing (Ex:FPS, SDH), determined by criteria such as "Date" or "Uploader" fields for complete seasons/series? Or, is it just wishful thinking on my part and each individual episode ID needs to be generated with corrections?

Thanks in advance........

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Re: Error in "The Outer Limits" (1995) whole series?

Sat May 01, 2021 10:18 am

Question: Is there any provision, or does the functionality exist for GLOBAL editing (Ex:FPS, SDH), determined by criteria such as "Date" or "Uploader" fields for complete seasons/series? Or, is it just wishful thinking on my part and each individual episode ID needs to be generated with corrections?
If I understand you well, no, there is not such a function. The only thing which can be done 'in batch', is changing the IMDb ID - and this can be done only by an admin. In addition, the episode number can be assigned automatically, provided there is something like "S02E03" in the file/release name.
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Re: Error in "The Outer Limits" (1995) whole series?

Tue May 04, 2021 1:10 am

I sort of anticipated that bulk editing was not an available option. Will just continue to plug along with corrections on an individually basis as I come across.
Thanks for your feedback.............

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