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Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:51 pm

Requests for non English spoken movies

Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:53 am

There should be a way to see the original language of the movie in the requests page, and not just the language of the requested subtitle.

Here are my reasons:

Probably most subtitles on the website are for English-language movies/series because that's the largest industry. But it's worst because there's no way to specifically request a subtitle for a movie spoken in another language.
There are people speaking all kinds of languages here. Presumably, they're creating subtitles in their native languages for English-language movies. But there's no simple way for them to know there's someone who would like an English subtitle for a movie spoken in their native language.

I'll give my own experience as an example:

In 5 years, I requested subtitles for 7 movies, each one spoken in a different language.
The only one in English was the request I just made, so maybe I'll get some luck with that one.
I only got subtitles for 1 Dutch movie and I always make requests for English and Portuguese, so I can increase my chances.
There are people here speaking Spanish, Italian, Greek, Arabic and Czech but there's no way they'll know that I would like to watch some movies in their native languages.

Maybe I'm looking for too obscure titles, but maybe people would like to help promote movies from their countries. I know I would like for foreign people to enjoy Portuguese movies.

Sorry for the long post.
Thank you.

Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:32 pm

Re: Requests for non English spoken movies

Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:50 pm

Could be a database where people add titles to vote, which is worth translating in the first order, which have the most votes
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