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reload old translator subtitles

Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:46 pm

called gondemare uploads my older subtitles unchanged without changes.
And the inscriptions of others. 40 subtitles in 2 weeks. Can this be?

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Re: reload old translator subtitles

Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:06 am

Sorry, it's a bit of a puzzle what you mean exactly.

You mean for example ... -madman-hu
versus ... -madman-hu

In general: (semi-)duplicates are not a good idea. They serve nothing and only create more chaos.
But for me, non-Hungarian, it's a bit difficult to understand all the discussions, see what is the problem and see who wants what...
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Re: reload old translator subtitles

Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:42 pm

Gondemare másfél hónap alatt több, mint száz olyan feliratot töltött fel, amit nem ő fordított. Már többen jelezték neki, hogy ez nem helyes, de nem érdekli. A feliratokon semmi munkát nem végez, csak ellopja a másokét. Szabad ezt tennie?

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Re: reload old translator subtitles

Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:44 am

Please write in English...

According to Google Translate, you wrote:
In a month and a half, Gondemare uploaded over a hundred subtitles that he didn't translate. Many have already told him this is wrong, but he is not interested. He doesn't do any work on the subtitles, he just steals the others. Are you allowed to do this?

Basically, there is nothing wrong with uploading subs which are not translated by yourself, for example:
- subs taken from somewhere, which are not present yet op opensubtitles,
- resyncs for other video versions,
- improved/corrected subtitles.
This is totally fine.

But certain rules must be followed, like
- no duplicates,
- no semi-duplicates with only minor insignificant differences,
- resyncs only if the difference in synchronisation is significant,
- credits inside the subtitles (if present) should remain untouched, see this topic about credits: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15787

Now back to the earlier example: ... -madman-hu
versus ... -madman-hu

I would consider these subs as semi-duplicates. There are some differences, but only in line breaks and some lines have been split. And for example two words difference in line #6. So I would say only ONE subtitle should stay. Then the question is: is one subtitle BETTER than the other, or are they just DIFFERENT?
If they are just different, not better, then it's easy: the first upload (by gaboca73) should stay and the subs of gondemare deleted. If the subs of gondemare are BETTER, then they should stay, or uploaded as update v2 over the first upload. If the first upload was done by the actual translator I would update his subs, since a translator did MUCH more work than somebody who just made some corrections. This is more or less how I do it in the Dutch section.

But my knowledge of Hungarian language is zero and so is my knowledge of what are the standards for Hungarian subtitles, so I cannot decide.

Can you give some examples of uploads by Gondemare which according to you are 'wrong' and explain why?
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Re: reload old translator subtitles

Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:11 pm ... -strike-hu - this is my subtitle Motayika ... -strike-hu - this is Gondemare ... -mangal-hu - Motayika ... -mangal-hu - Gondemare
I can't find the difference between the subtitles. the release is exactly the same ... colette-hu - subtitle drjw ... colette-hu - gondemare
gondemare wrote a few words for the beginning of the movie. that's the difference.

There was a day when he uploaded 9 movies. He couldn't do too much work 2019 12.04
Once again, in one and a half months, 100 subtitles, that he did not translate.
thank you for your attention

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Re: reload old translator subtitles

Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:22 am

There are some differences:
- other line breaks
- italics / no italics
- single/double dialogue hyphens
- small (amd practically incisible) errors like unnecessary spaces, double italics tags.

Once again, I don't know about the Hungarian standards for subtitles, but according to Dutch standards and my preferences:
- other line breaks: the subs of Motayika are better, breaks are done at word groups or sentences, better readability.
- italics/no italics: a personal choice. For compatibility reasons, I prefer no italics, so I would choose the subs of Gondemare.
- single/double dialogue hyphens: depending on what is normal in your language. In English double is normal, in Dutch the dialog hyphen is only used on the second line.

Funny detail: many lines do not have a 'gap', for example the open time space between line 13 and 14 is zero milliseconds. I would consider this a syntax error. But both subtitle versions have this same problem.

But the bottom-line is: the differences are not very significant. Using this kind of variations, you can easily get 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 different versions which are not really different. It only creates a chaos for the downloaders with hardly any benefit, so this should be avoided.
Same same. Or actually even less differences:
- unnecessary spaces
- other line breaks
- a couple very small differences in text (for example line 146)
Basically the same story, no significant differences.

So now, what to do...?

In the Dutch section, as Dutch admin, according to Dutch standards, I would consider the second versions by Gondemare "semi-duplicate", with no added value, and thus remove them. But I am Dutch admin, not Hungarian. I can't and don't want to interfere structurally in the Hungarian section.

Instead I would ask you guys to work it out between each other. Keep in mind that the problem is not that Gondemare did not translate the subs himself. The problem in my opinion is that the subs are no added value and just creating an unnecessary chaos and an unpleasant situation for the downloaders. If you (plural) could solve this, that would be great.
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