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Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:20 pm


I've begun to develop a java application to interact with via xml-rpc.
While I can access almost every methods without any problem, I get a 500 (internal server error) every time I try to call GetIMDBMovieDetails with, as parameters, the token and the IMDB number. Any idea of where this problem might come from?

Thanks a lot

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Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:15 am

thanks a lot for bug report, I will fix this ASAP.

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Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:13 pm

Thanks a lot. The application will probably be usable by next week, I will of course tell you when it will be.

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Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:29 pm

For those interested, the very first (and very beta) version of OSCompanion is available for linux, mac, windows in english and in french. The only thing working for the moment is the download from a movie file (but without retrieving IMDB informations ;)) but the other functions should be here fast enough. You can download it here. Of course I'd like to have the feedback of everybody testing it ;)

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Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:20 pm

foux, superb, it works - it search subtitles, and it downloads, good progress. Upload is more important, but anyway, this is good news for all the people. We should talk about that more via IM - contact me at my mail.

Also, if you can, please add SOURCE CODE for JAVA for HASH calculating on our page: ... ourceCodes


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Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:12 pm

Thanks a lot.

Java hash is allready in the wiki (I even took it from there ;))

I'm currently working on the download by entering movie title / IMDB number, and upload is the next step (and I foresee some complications here). I think that upload might be available in 3 weeks / a month

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Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:52 pm

great, I am really blind, sorry :)

I will correct that imdb searching ASAP, too much work nowadays!

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Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:37 am

OS: Two quick questions (possibly related)

When searching on Hash and there are no results, is the IMDBID returned anyway? Is there a way to return IMDBID on FILEHASH?

I'm trying to simplify going to the web to search for subtitles and considering all the naming conventions it's easier to try and search for IMDBID (for Movies, for TV episodes this will have to wait for further fields).

There was a second question, I swear! :)

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Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:10 am

I'm sorry. I am not sleeping well these days.

CheckMovieHash should do what I'm searching for.

This is the reason I'm not being able to concentrate: ... 278274290/

I hope that redeems my stupid questions :)

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Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:08 am

very nice kid, congrats. I know what you are mean, and it is good idea to have it in search subtitles. I will try to add it.

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Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:17 pm

foux: if you will finish OSCompanion maybe it should be nice idea to add download/upload subtitles to - I already contacted author and he agrees, it is opensource, so if you have time for that users will be really happy I think :)

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Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:03 am

foux: if you will finish OSCompanion maybe it should be nice idea to add download/upload subtitles to - I already contacted author and he agrees, it is opensource, so if you have time for that users will be really happy I think :)
I use Jubler, and it's a wonderful piece of work. Integration with opensubtitles would be great but doesn't it raise the problem of multiple versions?

If anyone can download from OS, edit and upload again wouldn't that create several copies? Or will you implement some sort of "versioning" of subtitles so they can be checked out, edited and checked in again? has a version control over subtitles, but they've decided to have a single good subtitle per language per episode (which I suggested somewhere else). Otherwise you end up with dozens of subtitles that are essentially the same.

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Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:39 am

who will decide which subtitles are "right" ? If someone translate and make hard work of translating, then someone will correct some strings, and other will correct 2 words (which is ok), it is OK to have only last subtitles? It is problem, if people will leave all the credits in subtitles (which I dont think they will), it will be always lead to more problems.

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Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:22 pm

who will decide which subtitles are "right" ? If someone translate and make hard work of translating, then someone will correct some strings, and other will correct 2 words (which is ok), it is OK to have only last subtitles? It is problem, if people will leave all the credits in subtitles (which I dont think they will), it will be always lead to more problems.
The ratings and downloads "decide". Not the people.

Maybe it's me, but I think OS could be more than it currently is. It's the best option to get subtitles but most of its strength is lost on tools that are not known enough (SubDownloader and the others) and on the fame of getting subtitles from other places.

Have you considered complementing the current "repository" aspect of OS with a more active part? Striking a deal with places like wikisubtitles or creating the same environment here would be a good thing.

Let's be realistic. Having 15 different subtitle files for the same movie for the same language is not helpful. Half of those are the same re-uploaded by attention whores and of the rest half are horrible machine-translated files.

If not that then at least every subtitle who's been more than 3 months online with a low rating when there are higher-rated ones should be scrapped, as it's clearly not useful (Rating 0.0 doesn't count).

Maybe it's just me but I'd rather have quality than quantity. Having a lot of subtitles for a single movie is no replacement for having one single GOOD one.

We don't have versioning here either, so there are people uploading different versions of the same subtitle as if they were different. Doesn't make any sense.

I know you like having huge numbers but the quality of OS is dropping because a lot of people are getting into subtitles. This is the reason newer sites are doing version-control.

I personally don't care about credits in subtitles. If people really insist on a credit in a subtitle then a standard for them should be decided and added to the SRT format. Otherwise stick them 5 minutes after the last so they'll be included in the file (even if they don't show).

To answer your question: If someone makes a better translation for the same movie than you did then, yes, your subtitle gets deleted. This is the way it should work anyway. If people don't like it then standards and organizations will be born to control this (which is the reason and other subtitle organizations exist, to standardize).

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