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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:04 pm

  • Fixed:
    ● Improved the downloading of subtitles from Podnapisi.
  • Changed:
    ● Re-added (with a warning) the search because the site is not closed, just banned from the ISPs in Greece (only).
    You can bypass the ban, by using any alternative DNS like Google's - or others, that are faster from your ISP's DNS servers anyway.
    Using a VPN service might not be a bad idea too.
Last edited by noembryo on Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:26 pm

  • Fixed:
    ● There was an error from SubScene when searching for a video file with a unicode name.
    ● Sometimes a provider returned a subtitle file instead of an archive with the subtitle inside as usual.
    ● Sometimes OpenSubtitles returned a .sub gziped file instead of .srt gziped as usual.

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:26 pm

(...) just banned from the ISPs in Greece (only).
You can bypass the ban, by using any alternative DNS like Cloudflare's - or Google's - or OpenDNS's -, that are faster from your ISP's DNS servers anyway.
For privacy reasons (which is nowadays getting more and more near security reasons) I would very seriously avoid using the mentioned DNS servers. If you have no other choice, I would estimate Google's DNS as 'least dangerous' of those three mentioned. Please note, me advising to use any Google service should be a very serious warning about the other two ;-)

Good and best would be to get a serious VPN service (which is not a bad idea anyway), which costs only a few bucks per month, and use their DNS servers. If necessary at all anyway, because many offer geo-bypasses.
Nowadays a VPN is a must for everyone - it allows safe surfing and protects against spying governments and companies.
I advise AirVPN - now with a temporary birthday offer, from € 2,20 per month. Click the below banner for more info.


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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:36 pm

I might leave only Google's and a suggestion for others, but, just for reference, can you post any links to info about the privacy concerns you mentioned?
I'm really interesting in this, but I have little knowledge...

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:40 pm

As reference I can give you Wikileaks (happy hunting :) ) and the privacy statements of the respective companies, for example Cisco (OpenDNS), with pretty wide open statements, like "We may share personal information (...) if we believe disclosure is in accordance (...) or (...) with law enforcement officials, government authorities, or other third parties as necessary to (...) meet national security requirements (...)".

Google is the only one of those three who is saying they do not sell or share DNS data. That's only SAYING (they could still DO it anyway), but still slightly better - and for DNS-historic reasons, one COULD maybe trust them a bit on this one. The other two are pretty much guaranteed to share their DNS data with all kinds of agencies (if not BEING them). Obviously, also your own ISP's DNS servers technically have the same issue, but that

The privacy concern is this: imagine a Greek person making subtitles, translations. To make his translations as well as possible, he always does research about the theme of the movie he is subtitling. Now he is making subs for a movie about moslim terrorism, and so he is visiting fundamentalistic fora, web sites about explosives, etc., using OpenDNS or Cloudflare. After that, he goes on a holiday to USA. You think immigration will just let him in?

It's not anymore like "nothing to hide, nothing to fear"... I would just advise a (paid) VPN - and at least a VPN provider NOT based in USA/CAN/UK/AUS/NZ (Five Eyes spying) nor one that pays (a lot) to affiliates (fake reviews).

Anyway, I didn't mean to pollute your topic about Subber with these thoughts. I just thought it was not an extremely good idea to advice those DNS servers.
My two cents :)
Nowadays a VPN is a must for everyone - it allows safe surfing and protects against spying governments and companies.
I advise AirVPN - now with a temporary birthday offer, from € 2,20 per month. Click the below banner for more info.


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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:38 pm

Well, your two cents are valued a lot here.. :D
Thank you for the info and the heads up.
I don't think that there is a chance to not be spied upon, but the least target you give, the better.

As for the "nothing to hide" myth, the Anon film had a nice quote:
"It's not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see."

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:38 am

Hello there.
I saw this topic today and decided I wanted to try this subber tool, so I downloaded it.
That went well, I got no warning bells.
Step TWO:
Manually scanned it with Panda Dome antivirus: Again, no warning bells.
Tried to run it (install it): Windows Defender popped up a window and balked at it, and the only option it offers is that big button that stops usage, and a "details" link.
Details says "unverified source".

I trust this is harmless, so I do what most people most likely do not realise can be done.
- Step THREE: (will only work if you have administrator rights on the computer)
Again get to the file in downloads, and R-click for properties.
That tells you the file comes from another computer, and that it is possible that it is disabled to protect the computer.
There is a tick-box next to this (if you are admin) that allows you to lift the restriction.

Details says this is version (for Subber.v1.12.16.3.setup)
I think a lot of would-be users never got to install it because their machine would not let them.
That's all I wanted to let you know, so far.

I'll be trying this thing in the days to come.

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:45 am

Thank you for trying out Subber.
I hope you find it useful.

As for the UnVerified status of the Windows defender, I don't think I can change it in the near future.
I don't know what I have to do with Micro$oft to get verified, but I'm sure its going to include some money.. ;o)
And since I don't make any money from any of my apps...

I will set the version number of the installer (I thought it was getting it automatically, but nope..)

Have a nice time, and if you find any bugs or have any suggestion, tell me about it. :D

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:51 pm

  • Changed:
    ● The log view has a word wrap option now.
    ● Some cosmetic changes.
    ● There was an error when searching for episode names with files that had no series name.

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:33 pm

Details shows the version for this new file (, and defender did not throw a spanner in the works.

Maybe it was the all zeros that prompted the defense mechanisms to prevent action.
Kind regards, Jaak

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:00 pm


nice software there. Do you plan to add also right click on movie, and download subtitles ?

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:47 pm

nice software there. Do you plan to add also right click on movie, and download subtitles ?
Sorry for the late reply, but I wasn't notified for a new message...

About the right click on the movie, I believe there is one menu already.
After clicking the search button, if there is something found for a video, you can right click it and select "Download selected".
This will get only this video's selected subtitles...
..or did I totally missed your question? ;o)

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Sat Mar 30, 2019 11:42 pm

  • Fixed:
    ● Debugging emails were blocked from the mail server.
    ● Some series names were not recognized.
    ● Minor nitpicks.

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:40 pm

  • Fixed:
    ● SubScene stopped working because is protected with CloudFlare. We can now bypass it, but it takes a couple of minutes, so have patience while searching. The downloading of the found subs, OTOH is faster.
    ● Renamed videos are now refreshed on the main page.

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Re: Subber (Download/Upload subtitles)

Fri Apr 19, 2019 1:51 am

  • Fixed:
    ● Less errors from SubScene's CloudFlare blocks.
    ● Speedup of SubScene's CloudFlare block bypass. There are still bugs, but we getting there ;o)

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