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letters with accent on it are not given back as they should

Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:17 am

how does it come that letters like these (é, è, ë, á .....) are given back as A@~~.
You can easily change that in subtitle workshop.
These letters are not properly given back on a player they are given back as A@=
when I post a subtitle the y are given back as they should.

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Re: letters with accent on it are not given back as they should

Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:44 pm

It's all a matter of character encoding.

For example UTF-8 encoded text being read as CP1252. But if you change it so the reading method matches the encoding method - then the text is correct.

The second case could be that the text is UTF-8 encoded and your player simply doesn't support that format. Then the only solution is to transfer the text into a character set the player does support, for example CP1252 for Western-European, CP1253 for Greek, etc.
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Re: letters with accent on it are not given back as they should

Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:30 pm

It is not only when I open the subtitle with any player it is even when I open it with subtitleworkshop or in notepad.
But anyway thanks for the answer?

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Re: letters with accent on it are not given back as they should

Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:31 pm

this is always encoding issue.

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