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Extraction from rars

Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:36 pm

your app is working fine, but I miss one feature :)

Can the program extract movie name and size directly from rars? I often download movies packed in rar files and so it will be fine if i must not unpack them before watching or downloading subs (for ex. BSPlayer can play packed movies directly).


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Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:21 am

I asked Majky for this feature 2 months ago :) This thing should be killer, I am watching movies without unpacking too.

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Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:41 am

I'm sorry. I must disagree with the importance of this.

Obviously I don't have any issues with this functionality being added but rarfiles for movies is a fringe scenario and has always been so. The historical reasons don't make sense (as movies have never truly compressed and rar is used just for packing).

RAR files are used in very special cases (for watching segmented movies while they're being downloaded, for example) or out of a misplaced sense of order.

I personally don't like seeing this functionality added anywhere because, to me, it continues a wrong behaviour but this is obviously myself.

I wanted to give my opinion because, considering this comes up every once in a while but not frequently it is definitively NOT a killer feature.

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agreed ...

Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:49 pm

I agree this is a nice feature for those who actually play video files directly from inside the RAR archives. I just currently don't find it that attractive and consider it too complicated to implement at first glance.

Feel free to insert this feature request as a ticket in the Oscar trac at and I'll give it a try when all else is done. :)

And I'd also like to point out that in my opinion RAR files are mainly used in distributions to ensure data integrity and allow re-downloads (from FTPs) in case something went wrong and not to allow instant viewing while downloading.

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Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:37 pm


Movies in RAR segments are used precisely to view while downloading. Especially for TV episodes.

Although that's two levels above the scene subtitles are for :)

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Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:11 am

Does this OSCAR-program use the same "hash-database" as Subdownloader. (Can OSCAR find those subtitles uploaded in Subdownloader? Because it seems that it can´t)

I have lots of .mkv movies and OSCAR can´t find any subtitles for them!
Subdownloader finds over 10 subtitles for the same video-files!

(Issue with .mkv files or something?)

BTW: The program seems to be connected since it can find a subtitle for an Lost-episode, and language settings in preferences should be fine.

BTW2: OSCAR detects only 1 out of 6 LOST episode files when adding files using recursively 2 directories away. (I´m adding recursively directory "series", while the six (.mkv) Lost episodes are in "series\LOST"

When i add recursively or normally only the "LOST" -folder, all six episodes are detected, and even subtitles are found.

Does OSCAR have something essential compared to subdownloader, or why should I use OSCAR instead of subdownloader, because my experience unfortunately tells me that OSCAR is quite useless... :(

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Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:15 am

Oscar uses the same hash algorithm as Subdownloader, only a different programming language implementation. If Oscar can't find subtitles for MKV videos uploaded by Subdownloader, it's highly probable that these two algorithms are not compatible (in certain cases, they were the same in all test cases). Please, try comparing the video file hashes calculated by Subdownloader and Oscar or at least provide an example filename and filesize so we can analyze this.

I'll look into the recursive adding of video files problem. No one else reported such problems so it might be difficult to reproduce. What release of Oscar are you using?

Thanks for the report/feedback.

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Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:18 pm

Oscar and Subdownloader and any other program should use SAME hash algo, sources are available at ... ourceCodes

Also tell us size of your MKV files, I think size is problem (my guess, MKVs are bigger than 4 GB)

Ok, for RARs: to be honest I am watching movies ONLY from RARs, I have XBOX (XBMC really rulez) and there is really no need to unpack that. I know history of RAR (why are movies splitted to RARs), and on warez scene are movies distribued only in RAR, so I think this feature is quite important.

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Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:47 pm

Please, try comparing the video file hashes calculated by Subdownloader and Oscar or at least provide an example filename and filesize so we can analyze this.

What release of Oscar are you using?
Oscar is "g2v10"

This in an example picture of subtitle-search for .mkv -moviefile. In OSCAR screenshot the hash is visible.
Unfortunately i couldn´t find hash viewing option in subdownloader.

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Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:23 pm

Clearly either the hash or the bytesize are being reported incorrectly.

OS: Can you see what bytesize/hashes are those two subtitles linked to? I tried searching by the reported hash and bytesize with my own tool and over the web and couldn't find results for any language.

The subtitle is this: ... fiction-en

The filesize reported there is correct. The hash (fca6d294e6548ee9) is not visible but it seems that's where the error is.

I don't expect this to be the issue, as other movies worked OK, but I forgot to set the indian correctly in HdP and it meant some platforms generated incorrect hashes. Oscar could be doing something like that (or parsing matroska files differently? Or using a cached hash instead of the real one?)

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Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:19 pm

Sorry, there was a bug in the hash calculation function that would cause incorrect hashes for files larger than 4GB. It's fixed now, available in the next release.

More info to come soon.

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Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:19 am

Eduo: I generated checking file (bigger than 4 GB) and correct hash for it, so you can check your algo: ... ourceCodes

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Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:58 am

Wondering about the XMLRPC I'm getting validation errors on the XML returned.

Are you getting proper validation on you rend for the XML for SearchSubtitles? What do you validate it against?

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Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:49 pm

I am using just XMLRPC extension for PHP, no validation. Write where you get this errors, also if other methods works ok.

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Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:31 pm

does OSCAR also exists for Mac osX?
Where can I download it?

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