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Poll: User favourite pages

Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:39 pm

tell me your opinions, here is whole ticket: ... /ticket/49
after logging in, user should setup his favourites - any page he likes (search, subtitle details and so on)

to clarify this, if I will start code this, it should work like this:

- when user is logged on EVERY page will be icon "add this page to my favourites", he will get it to user account, there he can set Title of page, and 1 page as default (which will mean, after loggin in he will get this page on screen). Ofcourse in navigation will be shortcut for his favourite pages (something like language selection, same system).
I think this should be good for users, which uses quite complicated queries like me (show me subtitles for imdb rating > 7, from year > 2005 and so on...)

what do you think?

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