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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:07 pm

Message "We already have this subtitle file uploaded as"

Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:51 pm

I get this error no matter how I attempt to upload the .SRT file:

The original file was downloaded from but it was a really bad so I modified it. About a 99% reedit.


I removed the "Advertise you product or brand here contact today" signature in case it was causing a problem with the upload.

I tried uploading my edited file with various different file names, but this always produced the error "We already have this subtitle file uploaded as <filename>"
Cartels (2016).srt
Cartels (2016)

Here is my edited subtitle file:

Posts: 82
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:47 pm

Re: Message "We already have this subtitle file uploaded as"

Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:45 pm

Hi, I just looked at your work and have done some error correction work on it.
Basically, what I did was fixing incorrect italics, splitting very long lines, get rid of overlap timings.
I have NOT rewritten anything.
You can get the file I worked on here ... KTrRyvrGnI
Please download it, and PLEASE test it on the movie before you publish.
(comment 01)
why bleep out swearwords, I wondered)
It's your transcript work, and I saw that it is rather wordy, but I suppose you went for verbatim.
I do NOT have the movie to test this on, so it's all yours to check it.
(movie info and Credits are on line one. Dammit... I forgot to move this to second 01, and make it only 100ms long)

Posts: 82
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:47 pm

Re: Message "We already have this subtitle file uploaded as"

Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:03 pm

I'll be....
I see there was a successful upload to about 4 hours ago.
No worry.
However, if you find that it could still be improved upon (and it does have character per second issues, way too long lines and overlaps...) I would suggest that you still look at what I did, correct it where it needs improvements, and upload it later as a version two by way of correction menu in your subtitle.
Kind regards, Jaak

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