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The bad rating relatively good subtitle, and delete ratings

Sat May 13, 2017 8:53 am

Hello everyone, I recently received the worst grade in a completely senseless reasons. Does someone could delete comments and a rating. ... get-out-en
Thanks,and wish you wonderful day.

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Re: The bad rating relatively good subtitle, and delete ratings

Sat May 13, 2017 11:58 am

Everybody has the right to an opinion and express it, even when somebody else thinks it's nonsense, even when it *IS* nonsense. But who am I (or you or anybody else) to say? This could lead to a (nonsense and endless) discussion, and probably many, every day.

Only in very extreme cases I would delete comments, for example with deeply hating and repetitive insults or if security of any individual is in danger. In most cases I would leave it, just for the sake of free speech versus censorship.

The same for bad ratings, this is just a matter of personal opinion and basically there is no right or wrong. Only when it looks utterly ridiculous I would delete it, for example when a bad rating is just a matter of competition or childish revenge or so. Btw, I didn't see any bad rating on that subtitle.

So I am gonna leave it like it is.
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Re: The bad rating relatively good subtitle, and delete ratings

Sat May 13, 2017 1:11 pm

Thank you for your honest answer. I'm sorry to bother you, because I solved the problem quite politely. Thank you, and my apologize again.

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Re: The bad rating relatively good subtitle, and delete ratings

Sat May 13, 2017 4:30 pm

No need to apologize, you were just ... having an opinion.
Moreover, I am glad it is solved and in a more pleasant way.
Thank you too.
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