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Wed May 10, 2017 9:20 pm


i have an question

when will there be new dutch subtitles for the latest episodes of supernatural?

because there are only english subs now.


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Re: supernatural

Thu May 11, 2017 3:07 pm

Actually it is not a good idea to ask these kind of specific questions on the forum. With hundreds of tv series, thousands episodes and millions of users, I guess you'll understand that the forum would be completely flooded with similar questions and rendered useless.

Further you have to know that the subtitles are made by unpaid volunteers, without any obligation or guarantee. So theoretically it could be anything (tomorrow, next month, never) and basically all you can do is wait or maybe make a request in the request section (but NOT on this forum).

But... sometimes it's possible to get an idea. Like in this case, have a look at the last ten episodes: ... movie-1794
They are uploaded
- more or less regularly,
- by the same user (McMuffins),
- and as translator is given "The Supernatural Team" (sounds like a team and sounds dedicated).
In this case it takes a bit longer, but translators are human - maybe they have the flu, are on a holiday, or just have something else to do first. My careful conclusion is that you don't need to wait very long.
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