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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:17 am

What's up with Wallander movies?

Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:29 am

Just wondering if anyone knows why some Wallander movies are available with all kinds of subtitles and others aren't? The newer tv series from 2005 is easy to find in English and bunch of other languages, but the older movies from 1994-2001 are tough! Is it because all this technology wasn't available back then? If any Swedish people read this post, could you check if your DVDs would also have English subs, or in Finnish, and figure out a way to pass those around? I don't think those movies are even available at video stores in Finland... Thanks!
I'm really dependent on some individual's kindness, because as you well imagine, there will be no mass movement for this one :wink:

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