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Sat May 15, 2010 9:03 pm

This is a quick guide on how to correct subtitles that have been uploaded with the wrong IMDb field, language or wrong release/file names etc.


1. Click on the link “Correct subtitles”.
Or "Edit" on top of the picture below if it's your own subtitle.


2. Here you can change the subtitle language, if it is incorrect.
3. Here you can change the IMDb ID of the movie. Copy and paste URL from IMDb site for the correct movie/TV series episode. Example: This:
To this:

4. Here you can add/change the release name of the subtitle: Arch.of.Triumph.1948.720p.BluRay.FLAC1.0.x264-DON

5. You can put comments here that all users will be able to see. Like a description of the file or “credit to the original author…” for example.

6. Here you can actually change the file name, or by clicking on “(update) :”, you can upload a corrected and improved version of the subtitle. So no need to delete the previous subtitle and re-upload as a new upload anymore. Note: “(update) :” feature only available if the subtitle is uploaded by you originally, or it can be done by an admin.

7. Correct the FPS (frames per second) of the file from here.
8. If you uploaded a file and weren't logged-in, then here is where your username goes.
9. Select this box if the subtitle is a hearing impaired version (HI).
10. Select this option if the subtitle is for a high definition movie, but this isn’t really necessary.

11. Select this box if the subtitles have been translated from another language using a translator, like google translate (machine translator). Not to be used for manual translations. As per our current rules, these kind of subtitles can also be requested for deletion. Read machine translation rules here.

11a. NOT available in the picture below, but you should see a tab that says: "[Foreign parts only]". Use this option to indicate that the subtitle isn't a full subtitle for the movie, but only contains subtitled parts for a different language to the main onscreen language of the movie. E.g. An English movie that has a few Russian spoken parts in the movie, and the subtitle only has parts for the Russian speech, then the "Foreign parts only" tab should be checked.

12. This box is for personal instructions to the admin. Comment in this box before submitting the report. Other users can't see this comment. Include what you did, why the changes have been requested or why the subtitle should be deleted. Please try to comment in English, as those reports can be dealt with by any admin. Other language comments can take longer for the right admin to come along and verify the changes for acceptance. Simple requests might not require a comment from you, like change in FPS, but a request for deletion will only be accepted if this box is filled. The admin will need to know why. Example: You can include links to the original and stolen files here so the admin can investigate.

13. Select this box if the subtitle should be deleted. Please make sure the “12.” comment box has been filled-in as to why it should be deleted.

14. Click “Report” to send the requested changes to the admin homepage where an admin will view it before accepting the changes. If you have made multiple mistakes on the report form, then click on “Reset” and start again.

Please use this function correctly as per guide above. Thank you.

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Re: Report Wrong Subtitles

Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:52 pm

Hey there.

Nice of you to clarify.

One question: When a subtitle is corrected, does the "bad" reports get reset? Some of the reports like "wrong movie" should be reset for the subtitle once it is fixed.

I haven't double-checked, but the question did come up today.

An example would be ... 13/lost-en . It's reported as "BAD - Wrong movie" (it seems to be linked to all episodes of Lost, so it makes sense). If the uploader or an admin fix it (impossible in this case, as we can't link to individual TV episodes), wouldn't it later still show as BAD?

I ask because I explicitly don't allow BAD subtitles to be downloaded:

Also, I don't think any subtitle from SolEol is ever auto-detected in the right language, but when checking the corrections page the language is auto-detected properly. I'm assuming the algorithm upon upload is wrong, otherwise I can't understand how almost everything gets labeled as Polish when I upload it without a language.

I'm currently providing the following to the users in SolEol:

This allows for standard shorthand when reporting and makes it much easier to the users to select an actual reason. I could modify the wording to it's more complete.
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Re: Report Wrong Subtitles

Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:39 pm

No, unfortunately the bad marking or comments have to be deleted individually by the admin. The second box, (instructions to the admin) maybe for now users can comment in there asking for it to be reset once making the report. Well, at least until it can be improved.

I also removed the comment and reset the bad marking in the link you provided as I thought it was unnecessary.
The following post may explain it better: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2440
This allows for standard shorthand when reporting and makes it much easier to the users to select an actual reason. I could modify the wording to it's more complete.
The second part of your post: I’m not a user of soleol, as I find that better subtitles can be found with a manual search, but then that depends on how much free time you’re willing/able to spend on the site. I’m sure you’ll perfect it to everyone's liking.

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Re: Report Wrong Subtitles

Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:31 pm

The second part of your post: I’m not a user of soleol, as I find that better subtitles can be found with a manual search, but then that depends on how much free time you’re willing/able to spend on the site. I’m sure you’ll perfect it to everyone's liking.
Yes, that's why I was asking here. The point is that the messages provided in those reports are understood by the admins.
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Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:54 pm

I've been a user of opensubtitles for over a year. And I've come across this just now. Perhaps when I looked at it, it didn't make much sense to me.

I should have known this long time ago. Well, better late than never.

But I'm a little bit confused. When it comes to report bad subtitles, there are several options. Which one should we use?
  • First of all you can rate the subtitles. I guess 1 point means "very bad".
  • Then you can mark them as "bad" as you say: "write new comment" -> "mark subtitles as bad" checkbox.
  • And then, you can tick the "delete" checkbox.
Too many options for the same thing. When should I choose each one?

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Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:55 pm

"HOW TO MARK SUBTITLES AS BAD!" Part of the guide isn't connected to the "correct subtitle" icon feature.

The first 2 points of yours are for the users benefit, rather than the admins. Admins rarely check the comments or the rating of subtitles during their duty-hours. You can do your first 2 points mentioned so other users are aware and know what to expect from the subtitle, but you don't need to click on "correct subtitle" icon for those first 2 options to apply.

Only your third option can be used for "correct subtitle" so the admins get a report that there is a bad subtitle that needs deleting. I agree that not many people know about this feature, we were thinking about making it more blatantly obvious. Like hover over the "correct subtitle" icon and more info is displayed, but I guess oss never got around to it.

So in layman terms: You can either jump straight to your 3rd option and inform an admin by submitting the "correct subtitle" report, or do the first 2 options first so other users can be aware, and then do the 3rd as well. Sometimes the admins can take their sweet time to delete a subtitle that is bad. So warning others can be a good thing. Hope that helps.

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Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:47 am

Thanks. Sure it helps.

I was concerned about the quality of the subtitles (viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14564) and therefore, the quality of the site. I think a good user experience leads to more visits and that leads to... well, I think it's good to keep some cleanliness. And I often find a lot of subtitles with OCR errors.

I personally find it very confusing and annoying to have 14 different versions of the same subtitle. I think the only "derivation" that makes sense is to accommodate timings to different FPS rates or, in the case of translations, different translations. I don't see the need for different subtitles with fixed time shifts. Well, this can be discussed. But deleting subtitles with OCR errors, I think is unquestionable. All the more when there are "good" subtitles without them.

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Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:55 am

I don't see the need for different subtitles with fixed time shifts. Well, this can be discussed.
For some users a simple resynch is 'too much'. They are very happy with the same subtitle just shifted three seconds or so. Not to mention when the synch is stretched or squeezed as well.
But deleting subtitles with OCR errors, I think is unquestionable. All the more when there are "good" subtitles without them.
Here is a practical problem. One subtitle gets uploaded. It is the first one and has OCR errors. Delete or not? Or it has only a few OCR errors. Or those errors are not even noticed with a quick review - keep in mind that every day A LOT of subs get uploaded and admins are just human mortals.
Further, for a thorough check, we would have to check not only for OCR errors, but also credits, linguistic quality (spelling, grammar, punctuation), other technical criteria like CPS-ratio, line length, etc. And of course synchronisation. Each subtitle would take let's say an hour - practically impossible. Delete any subtitle with any mistake - there would be zero.
So this is how non-perfect subs are present. Now a second subtitle gets uploaded a month later. Was the first one good, mediocre, or pretty bad? Usually the second one is not a plain corrected version, but only a resycnh, or some corrections, or both. See where I am going to?

My conclusion is that we really need the help of users. If a subtitle is bad, mark it bad and explain why. Or rate it - and explain why in a comment. Submit reports. I am sometimes amazed that a subtitle is downloaded 10,000 times without any comment or rating about the quality.
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Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:00 pm

I am sometimes amazed that a subtitle is downloaded 10,000 times without any comment or rating about the quality.
So am I. I guess it takes some effort to do it. You must have an account and spend some time getting acquainted with the process. A friend of mine says that if you want people to do something it must be less than 3 mouse clicks away :-)
Usually the second one is not a plain corrected version, but only a resycnh, or some corrections, or both.
Or sometimes clearly worse than the existing one. This is what I can't understand.

So, I understand 3rd option (tick "delete" checkbox) goes more directly to admins so it is for clearly, remarkably, really bad subtitles. And "marking as bad" is for less serious errors like very long lines or unintelligible (this is subjective) translations.

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Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:53 pm

What can I do about identical subtitles? It's very anyoing if you download all the subs you need, to see if there is a match for your file (and if not, to edit it myself) but then I've encountered a number of subtitles that are identical, except for like the download page at the bottom (even the maker is the same and the complete timeline is the same)

So not talking about other files with a little adjustment I think its good they are there, not everyone is as handy with a computer to be able to edit it. But the really exact copies of another. Of course I would report the most recent uploaded version, because that one was not nescessary to upload at al. Or should I just leave a comment?

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About Report for The Admin

Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:42 pm

1. Bad or Delete Subtittles Report.
Report is an input to the Admin. Especially for their Admin.
My Request is for the Bad or Delete Subtittles Section handled by Admin Each.

2. Change IMBD or Category of Subtittles Report.
For this Report can be handled by all the Admin.

My Suggestion.

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Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:57 pm

I've been trying to update an .srt I uploaded previously, but without success.

The subs are for The Cabin In The Cotton here: ... -cotton-en

I've updated .srt files many times with previous subtitles I've uploaded here
by using the "correct subtitles button", but this time I just get a message:

"we already have a file "cabin in the".

And that's it. Nothing happens. Zero.

What's changed?

Before, that function worked okay and the new subs were changed immediately with "V2" added to them.

the new .srt file I have for the move contains many small changes to timings and words.

Has something changed, or am I doing something wrong?

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Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:03 pm

I've been trying to update an .srt I uploaded previously, but without success.

The subs are for The Cabin In The Cotton here: ... -cotton-en

I've updated .srt files many times with previous subtitles I've uploaded here
by using the "correct subtitles button", but this time I just get a message:

"we already have a file "cabin in the".

And that's it. Nothing happens. Zero.

What's changed?

Before, that function worked okay and the new subs were changed immediately with "V2" added to them.

the new .srt file I have for the move contains many small changes to timings and words.

Has something changed, or am I doing something wrong?
Nope, they have been updated as you can see
jkbidjkvdlfliojiorui6hgjkgrjkmklrtuy67548bfg.jpg (29.78 KiB) Viewed 47730 times

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Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:46 pm

Okay, Boss. But at the moment I can't see that screen where you have the big yellow "Here" arrow. Perhaps it needs a day or so for the database to be updated before the public can see it? Anyway, I've just d/l the subs and they are the new ones, so everything is okay. :)

Thanks for the quick response. :) T-G

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Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:56 pm

Okay, Boss. But at the moment I can't see that screen where you have the big yellow "Here" arrow. Perhaps it needs a day or so for the database to be updated before the public can see it? Anyway, I've just d/l the subs and they are the new ones, so everything is okay. :)

Thanks for the quick response. :) T-G

Clear your browser's cache, I think then you'll see. Or try to disable ABP. That sometimes blocks that box from appearing.

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