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Kodi/NAS downloaded subtitles seem to disappear

Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:26 pm

I have following issue
I start a tv show from within kodi on my nvidia shield. The episode file is on my synology nas
I click on pauze. I download the subtitle using the addon in kodi.
I resume the episode with the subtitles. Now if I pause or stop the episode for some certain time and want to resume, the subtitles are gone and I have to download them a second time. It seems that the srt file is not permanently saved? I don't think my downloaded srt files are being saved to my tv shows folder on my synology. Could it have something to do with write access?

Thanks a lot for any help

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Re: Kodi/NAS downloaded subtitles seem to disappear

Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:45 pm

probably KODI can not WRITE to your NAS ?
normally file is saved within movie file. Also this is possible to setup in KODI.

Also be aware this is not KODI support forum.

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