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OpenSubtitles automatic ad timing

Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:47 pm

At the end of every subtitle an ad is inserted automatically - "Please rate this subtitle at".
I assume the ad is simply inserted a few seconds after the last line of dialogue, but quite often this ad has the unfortunate side effect of disturbing the intended flow and timing of the movie experience.
Many movies have several shots, sometimes even minutes long, after the last line of dialogue. The viewer is not necessarily supposed to know that the movie is about to end. But seeing this ad, we immediately know and start to anticipate the end credits.
Subtitles should only add something, not take anything away, and this way of advertising is too invasive to the movie experience. So I would strongly propose that a different way of advertising the site is implemented.
I don't have a better solution ready at hand, I only intend to raise my concern as I'm sure this bothers many others even if they have not voiced their opinion yet. Please consider another solution.
Thank you.

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Re: OpenSubtitles automatic ad timing

Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:52 am

if there is no idea how to make it better, it is hard to make it better. I know what you mean, it happens couple of times to me, but thats the "price" you have to pay for subtitles downloaded by API for free. If you dont like it, become VIP member by supporting us and our work.

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Re: OpenSubtitles automatic ad timing

Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:26 pm

The line you mention ("Please rate this subtitle at") is not an ad as in advertising some paid service, but a request to users to rate the quality of the subtitle they just used. With more ratings done, it is easier to choose the best subtitles. So in this specific case it's even only for the benefit of the users. If much more users would rate subtitles, this line would not be necessary.

Still, you are right, a line like this coming too soon could mess with the experience - like you said, you know (too soon) the movie has finished. The same goes for credits ("translation by blabla") with are sometimes written too soon.

A solution could be to find out the total length of the movie and add this line let's say one minute before. But the risk is that this line will not be seen, the viewer already got up to get a beer, the video player is already off. Or the actual video is shorter (maybe the start or end credits are cut) and the line of text is completely out. I heard this could even make some players crash.

The best would be if translators add their credits for translation at a least intrusive point (for example when the movie's credits start). Then this line would come after that.
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