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Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:35 pm

Strange [subtitle].dmg App installation

Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:58 pm

Hi All, not sure if this is the relevant thread. I tried using Opensub. Downloaded (with the opensub downloader box checked). It downloaded a *(subtitle_name).dmg into my Mac. Then on installation, it starts the App Installer. I inspected it. It says "Turbo Download Manager" and then after finishing, strangely, I can't locate the app or program. Any idea what happen to the program or the subtitle?

Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:48 am

Re: Strange [subtitle].dmg App installation

Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:49 pm

Hey, Lokey!

That sounds strange, indeed. You might try using a tool like CleanMyMac to perform a deep scan of installed applications to check for an existing installation. Since it doesn't show in the application folder, I assume that the installation is broken for whatever reason, so you might want to uninstall it via that program.

For future subtitle downloads, I'd recommend either unchecking the OS Downloader checkbox or using our new tool, FlixTools, which is also available as a free version for the sole purpose of downloading/uploading subtitles from and to OpenSubtitles.
It works like a charm and personally I've been using it ever since the first beta was released. You only have to drag and drop your existing movie file into the UI and it automatically searches the OS database for fitting subtitles based on the movie file's metadata.

If there's anything else, please don't hesitate to reply or drop me a message.


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