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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:44 pm

O my God, I make about 20 uploads like SmallBrother saz, and repeat, I don' t feel good about, but now I'm totally confused what to do. I hope administration will find soon acceptable solution.
I think it doesn't matter too much. So if you don't feel good about what I would do or prefer, just do it the other way. Don't be confused, just do it the way you prefer. Don't make your life too difficult :)
Maybe script use can recognize such 2 alphabet uploads and in this case replace 2CD with appropriate corresponding notification.
At least for now, that "2CD" is the price to pay... I don't know how it's being generated - counted on the fly, or counted once and then stored in the database. But maybe your solution is possible.
But anyway, whether "2CD" or even "1CD" shows, I would still add some text in "additional info", explaining what's going on. Something like (in Serbian):
"This download contains TWO files. The ONLY difference is the script used: Cyrillic or Latin. Further the files are exactly the same."
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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:11 pm

I post it here because it is a similar case: ... ut-anna-en

It is 2CD but two files are the same. Hearing information is the only difference between them. Please correct.

Making a simple comparison it happens to be the same file as ... ut-anna-en
with only small differences.

And one more time I ask if it's worth it to have the same file twice or more times with such differences:

< - <i>spitting harsh words</i>
> <i>- spitting harsh words</i>

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:29 pm

It is 2CD but two files are the same. Hearing information is the only difference between them.
As far as I know/think, this subtitles should be split into two separate subs. Same like the above case, but here even more, because we have the flag "hearing impaired" available.
Please correct.
I'll leave that for an English admin ;-)
Making a simple comparison it happens to be the same file as ... ut-anna-en with only small differences.
Duplicates are not wanted/needed/etc. They add nothing, except increasing mess.
The problem is in 'almost-duplicates'. Sometimes the differences are just personal preferences. Sometimes the differences are small, but improvements. Sometimes the differences are invisible. It is up to the individual admin to decide what to do and how, considering several aspects besides the actual differences, like which has the most hash codes, are they anonymous or registered uploads, which was the first, etc.
And one more time I ask if it's worth it to have the same file twice or more times with such differences:
- <i>spitting harsh words</i>
<i>- spitting harsh words</i>
For me, those are differences which are not only insignificant, but even invisible. I would surely delete one of them.
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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:46 pm

Just noted, this situation is kind like Portuguese and Portuguese (B).

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