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Search subtitle by movie name seems case-sensitive

Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:46 pm

Hi all,

first, the API is simply superb, it is a perfect match for our upcoming service, so huge thank you for that!

In our service the user can search subtitles by movie name. If I search for "The Walking Dead" and pass the season and episode also I receive proper results, but if I search for "the walking dead" along with the season and episode values, I receive nothing. "the Walking Dead" is not working either, only if I pass the exact "The Walking Dead" then I get results.

Here in the forum I already looked for the issue, and according to a topic (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14156) the site admin claims to have solved this issue as it was an existing bug.

Just in case, I use something like this in Python.

token = ...
content = []
content.append( { 'query':name , 'sublanguageid':'eng' , 'season':season , 'episode': episode} )
resp = server.SearchSubtitles(token, content)

Thank you for the help in advance and for the amazing API OpenSubtitles! :)

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Re: Search subtitle by movie name seems case-sensitive

Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:57 am

please post exactly which parameters are not working. For me it is working this

Code: Select all

array('query' => 'the Walking Dead', 'season' => 1, 'episode' => 1) array('query' => 'the walking dead', 'season' => 1, 'episode' => 1)

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:31 pm

Re: Search subtitle by movie name seems case-sensitive

Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:24 am

Sorry for the false-alarm, I found the bug, it was on my side. Admins can delete the topic if they wish.

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