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2 letters of same languages

Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:36 am

I have many uploads for 2 letters of serbian language, like here
and it stands that upload is for 2 CD's, which is wrong. This are 2 letters of same languages.
I think this can be corrected if is possible next
Is it to do something?

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:22 am

Just to clarify so others understand this as well. By 'letters' you probably mean script, right? Because Serbian can be written in two alphabets, the Serbian Cyrillic and the Latin alphabet. If I'm not mistaken, this is the only Slavic language using two alphabets, correct?
I'm no expert, but this option would be valid for Chinese as well (Simplified Chinese vs traditional), and maybe some other Asian languages (Japanese or Korean?).

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:33 am

Gautier exactly. So we need to add another language in language list, then split this subtitle and edit other one (change language)

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:49 am

In Serbia, the official letter in use is the Cyrillic alphabet, I mean the written documents. We also use the latin, but they are no more equal. Personaly I think this is stupid, but who I am. But, isn't necessary to treat Cyrillic like special language, Latin and Cyrillic are stll the same language. Personally, I (and many other people) prefer Latin.

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:10 pm

ok, so just SPLIT subtitles and it should be fixed.

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:17 pm

Not really oss, because there are not different subtitles. They are exactly the same, they're just written in a different alphabet. Both subtitle files will contain exactly the same content, so I feel it's normal they should be kept together.
If there's a way of catering for that in the database is a different matter.

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:08 pm

I agree with Gautier complitly. He realized exactly what I mean. I thought on possability like this at upload :


So, if I indicate subtitle is for release on 2 (or more) CD's, it shoud than stand so. But, not for cyrilic and latin alphabet of serbian language, whih are 2 letters of same language. I hope it's clear now. It is another matter if isn't able to realize this (technical things).

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:43 am

ok, so just SPLIT subtitles and it should be fixed.
I've done as you suggest for a while, but I do not feel good about it. I feel like I'm stealing something, one my upload counts twice, which is not very fair. Everything is Ok, just shoud remove mark 2CD for Serbian subtitles and replace it with two alphabets, or something.

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:55 pm

It's this one, right? ... y-force-sr

About that 1CD / 2CD, this is an automatic setting, coming from the fact that (mostly in the past, not anymore) long movies would exist of 2 or even three disks. Subtitles for one long movie should be uploaded together, otherwise they wouldn't be covering the whole movie.

In this case, you are right, saying "2CD" would be wrong, because the movie release is just one disk, one file. But making this a manual setting, I foresee a lot of mess coming.

Splitting it into two separate subtitles (having two uploads counted) might not look 'fair', but is it unfair? It's not another language, it's not another release with different timings, but it is another subtitle. I mean it is not like character encoding 8859-1 versus UTF-8 or so (which is done in one mouse click). I's a different way of writing the same language and it's 'official'. Not like Greek or Russian, which *could* be written 'phonetically' in Latin script, but this is not official. Your two subtitles make sense to me.

What oss COULD do is make TWO 'languages': Serbian written in Cyrillic, and Serbian written in Latin. This would be touching and overlapping the discussion going elsewhere on the forum about Belgium Dutch and Dutch Dutch and Spanish Spanish and South-American Spanish, etc.

For now, I would say: split those subs, add a note saying what is going on, and enjoy your extra count :)
Besides, it doesn't look like you are trying to steal your way up, you are already Platinum member with 2000+ uploads...
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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:01 am

I agree with SmallBrother.

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:48 pm

Guys, that's not correct. These are NOT different languages. It's the same language. The words are exactly the same, just written in a different alphabet. So completely unrelated to language variations as you might find them in other languages.

To me, it doesn't make sense at all to split them up. If I were a Serbian user, I would like to have both in the same package, so I can select which one I'd like to watch.

Suadnovic, if there's no easy solution for this, the best would be to just endure the CD2 tag attached to it. It's no big bother, and it's by far a better solution than to go splitting them up.

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:24 pm

Guys, that's not correct. These are NOT different languages. It's the same language.
I understand, that's why I wrote 'languages' between apostrophes. It would be 'a solution' to this problem, but more a technical trick than a real solution, because it's not a different language. Maybe it's comparable to two different character sets, two different subtitle formats, or having only long lines of max 90 chars instead of two lines of max 45, or having one versus two dialog dashes.
To me, it doesn't make sense at all to split them up. If I were a Serbian user, I would like to have both in the same package, so I can select which one I'd like to watch.
Sure, that justifies to have both available, but not necessarily in one up/download. Because if the difference would be clear, the selection could be made *before* downloading - what's the difference...

I would say there is no perfect solution, and the different solutions could all be defended. So I would say, let suadnovic choose which solution he prefers:
- One download with both versions, including that unwanted "2CD" statement, maybe adding as additional info that TWO subs are provided in both Cyrillic and Latin script, and only ONE is actually needed for the mvoie.
- Two separate downloads, also stating the difference between the two, maybe already in the release name, so it's already visible in search result lists. Something like:
Gargoyles - 01x08 - Deadly Force.DVDRip.x264 (Cyrillic script)
Gargoyles - 01x08 - Deadly Force.DVDRip.x264 (Latin script)
I think I prefer the last one, but I think both solutions would be okay, as long as it's clear.
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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:00 am

Have you heard about IETF language tags? ;-)

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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:57 am

IETF language tags
That's what I meant with "This would be touching and overlapping the discussion going elsewhere on the forum about Belgium Dutch and Dutch Dutch and Spanish Spanish and South-American Spanish".

But it's not two different languages. It's not [language_region], but it's [language_script]. Maybe the comparison with different encoding / character set gets close to what this is.

The problem is: how to do it, and then preferably in a practical way ;-)
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Re: 2 letters of same languages

Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:30 am

O my God, I make about 20 uploads like SmallBrother saz, and repeat, I don' t feel good about, but now I'm totally confused what to do. I hope administration will find soon acceptable solution.
Maybe script use can recognize such 2 alphabet uploads and in this case replace 2CD with appropriate corresponding notification.

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