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Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:55 am

Hey :)

I was wondering if it's possible to update the subtitle record in opensubtitles and add more information to it.
For example, I find the correct subtitle for my copy of TvShow X S03E04, between a list of 8 different subtitles for this same episode; then I would like to update the working sub with the filesize and/or movie hash (from subdownloader) so the next guy searching for a sub for the same video file will find it faster (maybe using any sub dloader system).

Is this possible?
I could give you a hand with the php, if you need it.

Thanks :)

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Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:59 am

it is ofcourse possible, just take subdownloader or oscar, select your movie, select subtitle and upload them. We have method TryUploadSubtitles, where is not sended any content, just hashes. So when we already have those subtitles (md5), we just update moviehashes. Look around and you will get idea.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:28 am

You say it is possible but I'm having trouble.

I have just installed subdownloader 2.0.18 for Linux and I'm trying to make omething useful with it. But up to now I couldn't.

I am wondering how it works. I don't understand Python enough to read the code.

So, I have uploaded some subtitles via Web. And now that I've become conscious about the importance of hashes, I'd like to add them. But I couldn't.

What happens when my subtitle file has changed (very likely) so that it is newer than the file in OS? Is it then added as a new subtitle? I guess you use a film hash and a subtitle hash and is the later what tells if it is the same subtitle.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:13 am


So, I have uploaded some subtitles via Web. And now that I've become conscious about the importance of hashes, I'd like to add them. But I couldn't.

Upload the same subtitle again, of course you have to use correct video file.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:58 pm

I like to use the command line for speed. I do:

subdownloader -c -U -V /videodir/video.flv

and I get this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/subdownloader", line 79, in <module>
File "/usr/share/pyshared/subdownloader/cli/", line 107, in start_session
File "/usr/share/pyshared/subdownloader/cli/", line 159, in handle_operation
File "/usr/share/pyshared/subdownloader/cli/", line 266, in do_upload
if self.options.mode == 'cli' and self.interactive:
AttributeError: 'Main' object has no attribute 'interactive'

Could it be a bug? I guess there are not many people using the CLI
How do you know it is a bug? How do you report it?

What does the "-V" option expect? A file or a directory?
Too many questions for a single post? :-)

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:10 pm

I like to use the command line for speed. I do:

subdownloader -c -U -V /videodir/video.flv

and I get this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/subdownloader", line 79, in <module>
File "/usr/share/pyshared/subdownloader/cli/", line 107, in start_session
File "/usr/share/pyshared/subdownloader/cli/", line 159, in handle_operation
File "/usr/share/pyshared/subdownloader/cli/", line 266, in do_upload
if self.options.mode == 'cli' and self.interactive:
AttributeError: 'Main' object has no attribute 'interactive'

Could it be a bug? I guess there are not many people using the CLI
How do you know it is a bug? How do you report it?

What does the "-V" option expect? A file or a directory?
Too many questions for a single post? :-)

That goes far over my knowledge :oops:
Have you tried another format, for example mkv or mp4?

Or try SolEol.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:24 pm

No. But I don't think that's the problem.

I think I'll try to use the GUI. But I tried and nothing happened. I was expecting
a yellow dot to appear at the right of the film title in the web interface. Perhaps I did something wrong.

Anyway I'll try again with another film.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:51 pm

OK. Using the GUI, it works. Either with new subtitle and with existing one.

But I'd rather use the CLI. I'd like to know why it isn't working.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:04 am

well, the best would be contact developers, I got problems with CLI in past too. Write your OS version, python version, SubDownloader version, they will help I guess.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:40 pm

Hello, sorry for opening an old topic, but this is an issue I continue to have issues with and it's not clear which is the preferred procedure to deal with it.

1. Let's say I have a video file abc.mp4. I then find out there is a good subtitle file for it, but the website doesn't mention the release abc.mp4, neither does the database seem to have its hash.
2. So I then try to upload the existing subtitle file to make sure the site knows about the release abc.mp4. When I use the javauploader, I get the message 'subtitle already exists, do not upload it please'. Can't even upload, the button to upload greys out. I've already tried Oscar as well, that one gives me an error whilst uploading, probably same reason.

So, could you advise which are the preferred methods to add other other release names/hashes for an existing subtitle file? You could even make a sticky of it, I guess it must be a recurring problem for many users.


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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:55 am


when you are trying to upload subtitles it is called (using API) ... dSubtitles - as you can see, over there is subtitle, server reports subtitle exists, but all other data is saved. That means, when you upload subtitle (and subtitle file before exists on server, but hash/filename doesnt) and then you try to download it should work. Dont be confused by message.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:21 pm

Ok thanks, that seems to have worked. I tried to upload an existing subfile yesterday, got the error message, but noticed the hash had been added to the database. Strangely enough, the filename didn't show up just yet. But today it does, so apparently you have to give it some time. Good to know.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:35 am

good it is more clear now.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:06 pm

I would suggest making a modification to the warning message though. Now it seems OSDB is just ignoring the fact that you are adding a new release to an existing sub, and makes people think they've wasted their time. You could add a sentence saying "This release has been added to the subtitle file." That way one gets the impression there is no error and he has actually contributed.

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Re: Adding movie hashes / filesizes to subtitles

Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:23 am

well, this is usually on application how they interpret this. There is couple of flags in XMLRPC response, where one can see, if moviehash or filename was added.

But of course I get your point.

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