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Requesty czyli poszukiwane napisy...

Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:02 pm

Szukasz jakiś konkretnych napisów?
Napisz w tym temacie.


Osobiście poszukuję napisów do Brytyjskiego serialu ***** - jest to mini serial z 2014 roku.*******/
Może ktoś gdzieś coś o nich wie?

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Re: Requesty czyli poszukiwane napisy...

Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:25 pm

Is this why you wanted a Polish section on the forum...?

Anyway, sorry xvidasd, but

1. This forum is not meant for making subtitle requests.
I have removed the relevant text from your post.
You can make requests by going to

2. This forum is not meant for promoting your own (subtitle) web site.
I have removed the image and link from your profile signature.
To promote your web site, please use advertising services.

Topic locked.
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