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Location: Cyprus

Greek Subs Help

Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:50 pm

HI !!
My name is Stelios and I'm new to subs.I try to play Greek subs on a movie and all i get is something like this (Aeoea Uiaeoiaiai eoioauiai ) etc.English subs work O.K. I also tried it on My friends PC and Greek subs work O.K. May be i need a software on my PC?
Please help

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Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:39 pm

Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:07 am

The subtitles are in a format that isn't displayed correctly on your computer because it doesn't expect Greek text by default. Your friend's computer probably has the default codepage set to Greek.
  1. Possible solutions:
  2. You could change your system settings but that would affect all programs, so I wouldn't recommend that.
  3. In most media players or subtitle viewing plugins, you can choose the character set or encoding or codepage for subtitles. For Greek it should be "ISO-8859-7" or "Greek (Windows)".
  4. Convert the subtitles to Unicode. That is a universal encoding for (almost) all languages. Some editors/word processors have that function.
    For example, you can open the subtitles file in Winword. When it asks for the encoding, choose "Greek (Autoselect)" or "Greek (Windows)". Then save it as plain text and in the "Save as" dialog choose the encoding "Unicode". (What Microsoft programs call "Unicode" is a variant of Unicode called UTF-16. If that doesn't work with your player, try "UTF-8" instead of "Unicode".)
edit: Don't use "Unicode" (UTF-16), use UTF-8. It's the quasi-standard, files are smaller, and opensubtitles supports it.
Last edited by ixquic on Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:07 pm

greek subtitles on Mac

Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:23 pm

Great advice "ixquick"!

It never crossed my mind to check the "preferences" on VLC (!).

I just used ISO-8859-7 and it worked!!!

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