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Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:15 pm

Whatz the best source of Castilian spanish subtitles? A lot of stuff is LAS and unusable to me.
Any input welcome.

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Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:56 pm

Castilian is not "unusable" if you speak spanish. It's just not the preferrable option. If it makes you feel better it's just as uncomfortable for Latin American people.

Not "unusable" for either, though. And already a very good deal considering it's free.

Anyway, It's not that easy to split castilian spanish from Latin-American Spanish. This is because latin American Spanish covers lots of countries and each could demand their own language.

Also, automatic language detectors can't figure out the difference between spanish variations.

It would be a good thing if subtitles could have a "master" language and a "language variant" in them. This way it'd be like LOCALE encodings. EN_uk, ES_es, PT_br, etc.

Still, thing being the way they are you have the option of either getting the current ones ("unusable", as you said) or try and look for them somewhere else, manually.

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