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Foreign language translation only

Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:09 pm

When I watch an English film that has some foreign dialogue I hate having to constantly switch subs on and off to understand all of what's being said.

Now, there are quite a few sub files here that are just the foreign language translations (:D) but while there are checkboxes for hearing impaired, HD and machine translation, I can't see a simple way to classify or search for these subs specifically.

Am I missing a simple way to do this, or if not, would it be possible to add another box for these subs?


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Re: Foreign language translation only

Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:51 am

we can try to add aother filter for these kind of subtitles. Easy way how to do that on our side, it would be filter all subtitles which are less than 1000 bytes or contain something in filename (forced...) and they are not for trailers. Well, we have to discuss this with admins, way too much filters/icons now.

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Re: Foreign language translation only

Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:24 am

Ah thanks! I like the < 1000 idea, and I don't mind going through and tagging the relevant files (or the false positives or whatever) if you decide to go ahead with this.

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Re: Foreign language translation only

Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:03 pm

Filtering <1000 bytes would bring lots of mistakes (trailers, short movies etc). The size of the forced sub depends on the amount of foreign language in the movie.

I think the only automatic detection for a forced sub icon can be to seek "forced" or "foreign" in the sub name. Otherwise it has to be ticked by hand.

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Re: Foreign language translation only

Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:01 pm

Would it be possible to add a less than/equal to/greater than option for file size in advanced search, like for movie rating & year, instead of a specific filter then?

That way we could search on file size and then alter the filenames/comment to make sure they all include a specific tag as you say.

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Re: Foreign language translation only

Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:49 pm

Has there been any more movement on this subject? I've been looking for a source of subtitles that has the ability to search for just the for foreign-language parts. OS seems to have the best framework to add that feature. Just add a tag at upload like you already have for "HD" or "machine translated". I'd also be willing to help search and tag the subs that are already uploaded, especially if there was a way to search by file size as well. And if the tag was available, then it would at least help for new subs as people uploaded them. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that none of the sites have implemented this yet. I would figure that a lot of people are, like myself, just looking for subs for the parts of the movie that are in a different language.

Thanks for all the work you've already put into the site!

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