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Where to find Chinese subtitles for English shows?

Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:11 am

Hi! I'm looking for a site where I can watch English TV shows with Chinese subtitles, preferably streaming sites. I used to go to Tudou/Youku but now I always get a message that videos are only available in mainland China . (I'm in Canada, btw.) I've tried Googling the Chinese names of English shows and found videos on random Chinese host sites, but again I can't play them. Can anyone link me to a good site?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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Re: Where to find Chinese subtitles for English shows?

Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:15 pm

I guess a free proxy with Chinese IP would be too slow for streaming, and unreliable.

You can try e.g. Hidemyass VPN service, 78.66 USD a year, they have Hong Kong IP addresses with very few bandwidth loss. There is a free 30 days trial.

Or if the Chinese subtitles are already available on subtitles sites, you can use Vuze with 'ordered download' patch, it allows you to watch the videos almost as a streaming.

1. Apparently Tudou/Youku are blocked only in USA/Canada, you can use any proxy.
2. I guess you tried this, don't know whether this still works ... n-usa.html

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