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How do I add srt subtitles to a VTS movie to burn a DVD ??

Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:04 pm

Hi there, I'm new, thanks for the site, it is grrrrrrreat!!.. Now, I'm not even shure I'm in the right forum.. my main language is spanish, I have a VTS DVD to burn, but it only came with italian subtitles and I need spanish, so I downloaded the subtitles from here. What do I do next?... just open the file in the same folder that the movie is?.. do I have to do something else or different? I use dvd shrink to burn them. But also has nero and others just in case. Can someone help me plesseeeee???? :roll: :?:

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Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:47 pm

The subtitles you just donwloaded, is it str idx?????
to Burn a DVD with subtitles to watch on your DVD player, the subtitles must
be in idx format.
Srt, is only viewable with avi files, or mpeg files, but you must have installed
vobsub in your PC.
You will need, a soft that joins that srt file and the mpeg fille in to a one single file.
Or convert the srt to idx before you try to burn it in to a DVD.
srt is not compatible with DVD format.
The subtitle compatible with DVD, is IDX.


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Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:59 am

Gooooshhhhh... ty ty ty... finally someone helps meeee!!!... ok.. so.. I need to find an idx subtitle.. now.. what program should I use to burn the dvd and add the subtitles???... or... what program do I need to turn str to idx ???... wow.. I'm confused now.. jajajajaj..

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Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:58 pm

sub (srt) is possible to convert to sub/idx - check out very good forum:
and tell us how you did proceed :)

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Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:47 pm

:oops: Guess there's something I'm not doing ok... cause.. when I get to the part where I need to convert srt file to DVDMaestro with subrip.. I don't know what to do.. can't understand the program I guess... I have toooons of bmp files plus a new srt file.. how do I use the subrip?.. am I missing something?... :?

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Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:13 pm

ConvertXtoDVD (mininova torrent link) does this kind of thing easy.

ConvertXtoDVD should automatically add subtitle tracks if you have the subtitle SRT file in the same folder. ConvertXtoDVD converts the subtitles automatically to bitmap and they work just like a subtitle track on a retail DVD, you hit the SUBTITLE button on the remote to toggle them on/off.


If the Subtitle Track is not added automatically for you; highlight where it says "Subtitle Stream" and right click to access the menu to "Add Subtitle Track" or go to the "Subtitle Options..."

And it is better if you just get a DVD/Divx player so you do not go through this process of conversion which takes quite a bit of time, takes up more space on the DVD and lowers the quality. For cheap you can get a DIVX certified DVD player.

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:09 am

I have done it. I have now (idx.+sub.) subtitles, but now how should I merge them with my dvd movie, or should I just burn tham together with nero. Thay must be merge together before, right? Do I need a special software for this? Please help, thanks!

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:12 pm

just like to say i'm a deaf user who use english subtitles and audio i only found this site last week and i love it

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